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Hello - First post & first scoob

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Got my subaru almost 2 months ago and I've finally registered here! Been too busy driving!

Totally standard although I'm looking forward to getting it PPP'd some time.

I'll hopefully get up to Knockhill some time too! I did a track day school before in my old 306 but thats about it.



Thanks for all the hellos and welcomes! How often are the Edin/Lothian meets?

The photo was taken near Dunure, south of Ayr, after I picked it up from S&S. The black & white background was actually my first and only experiment with photo modd'ing! If you look through the windscreen you can still see the green grass!!


Hullo & Welcome to the forums stuart - nice motor you got there.

Edinburgh & Lothians meets are normally middle of every month - keep an eye on the Events section. There was one last night.

They are normally at the Brewers Fayre in Brucefield Industry Park, Livingston but are sometimes in Edinburgh - there has been a bowling night organised @ the Deer Park Livi too (hopefully have one of them again soon sometime!)

Scott (user name Spooks) is the Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Organiser (RO) - keep an eye out for him.


Hello again! Can't believe how many replies this has got [:D]

The GIMP is the name of photo editing program I used (GNU Image Manipulation Program).


Probably not as easy to use as some others, but it's free!

There's loads of good tutorials on their site on how to do stuff. This is the one I followed to do the B&W background:


Anyway, I'm away to Dumfries area to go mountain biking in the rain! With of course some amazing roads to drive on the way there [H]


That's funny! [:D] The name of the photo programs is obviously a banned word!

It's G I M P. So substitute *** with that (without the spaces) in the above post!

That must be the least offensive banned word I have ever seen!


Where do you go biking in dunmferlime, i sometimes goto glentress on the hardtail as the downhill bike proves a right bug gger to put in the boot of the STi dam m no split folds grrrrr.





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