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Found out why my turbo wasn't boosting properly . . . .

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I think thats where the dent in my bonnet came from peter. your blades must have bounced off the front of it at loch lomond


have you seen your two mags?? i dont know where they are??? i hope one of you guys have them or i ows you the cash for them.[:$]


By design , the intercooler acts like a seive so all the tiny bits ended up trapped there.

The light coating of oil from the breathers helps the bits stick  .

'Cooler and pipework are now binned - but as a wise Chinaman (Fai 17) once said 'if its broke - upgrade it' . . .

. . . . So I'm awaiting a STI5 cooler and some pretty Samco hose and y-piece arriving .[:D]

- not happy though 'cos they should have arrived yesterday , I was hoping to have it all fitted for Andy tweaking my map on Monday [:@]

 Big Thank-you to Greersport http://www.greersport.com/  for lending me an intercooler 'till mine arrives [Y]



Found out that the '2-3 day delivery' for the Samco is ..... after they make it to order - approx 28 days [:@]

and my STI5 intercooler has still not arrived [;)]

Looks like I'll be visiting Andy on Monday to get map tweaked for my APS CAK, and again when I get my cooler and pipes [:|]


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