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I'm off...

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To Australia. So i'll probably make less meets than i have done over the past 3.5 years from now on. [;)]

I'll still be logging on, just at some silly times for you guys.

Take care, don't bicker too much and get out there and drive your cars!

Big thanks to Wilky and Blueboy (You know what you did!)



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Cheers guys. I am now in Sydney and it's a lousy 34 degrees [H] How's the snow?


I will be based in Perth (Not getting there until 24th March), but if anybody is going anywhere in Aus (or even New Zealeand) let me know as i'll be doing some travelling with work.

As for buying a scoob....i already know where the dealerships in Melbourne and Perth are so watch this space! [:)

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