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Camera on the M876 Eastbound - ***Got me***

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Just incase anyones heading that way this afternoon....

Van sat on the bridge just after the Larbert cut off. I joining at Denny in my borrowed 1.2 putput doing about 80 & never noticed the bleedin thing until slip road so may have been caught out - hope not face-icon-small-frown.gif

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Came on at Denny, up the hill on the outside lane then kept accelerating to get passed a few big lorries on inside!! Only noticed the cam van as I pulled back in just after the slip road for Larbert....side door wide open cam visabily pointing towards the road below, nothing I could do at that point!!face-icon-small-disgusted.gif Couldnt have been doing more than 85 because the car runs out of puff at about 90odd & I wasnt tanking it so to speak!!

How long do these things take to drop through the door???

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<< I wish they'd put as much time and effort into catching real criminals!!

face-icon-small-mad.gif >>

Remember speed kills.....i've lost count of the number of people i've wiped out when i accidentally went over the speed limit on a deserted piece of motorway face-icon-small-mad.gif

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So are we saying that the same rules on speeding apply for a motorway as in a built up area ???? That you get the same fine for going say 25mph over the 30 limit in a built up area as you would get for doing 25 mph over the limit on a motorway ??

If thats the case then the laws an arse - come on 25mph over the limit on a motorway in nout, a bit of a different story doing 25 over the limit in a built up area.


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This was a few years back now. But that was what I was told by The Traffic police. Was normally 3pts and £60 up to 25mph over then It could be a court appearance. Usually driving without un-due care and attention or dangerous driving.

As i said this was a few years back and I dont know if this applied to all types of road. If it does then thats a very big difference between a 30 limit and a motorway.

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Colin, my dad got popped for 40 in a 30 quite recently and he got £60 and 3 points, so 85 in a 70 should be about the same I'd imagine.

It's a real fecker that Camera. I thought you were talking about another one when you'd said M9 at first, but now I know the one you mean at the top of the hill.

If they aim for the traffic coming the other way the flyover is cambered at such an angle that you can only see maybe the top half of the van. A real money spinner.

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These cameras make my blood boil, I got done with one just out side Glenrothes (A 92),81 in a 70 . The good news is that i got off with it thanks to some excellent advice from www.pepipoo.com . These cameras they are using are totally inaccurate and all ther doing is calling your bluff and getting people to pay up. I even got a visit from the local plod threatening me with a section 172 (failure to supply details) but held my nerve as i wanted my day in court . In the end the case timed out and it never happened,saving me 3 points and £60.

So don't send anything back before getting advice from that site,it could save ye some points!

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The first thing to do is wait the maximum amount of time before replying to them. Then on the 28th day send your correspondence special delivery ,so someone has to sign for it.The first thing is to write and ask them for the photos as you are not sure who was driving .They will probably send these .Always nice to keep as a souvenir of the eventface-icon-small-wink.gif

Though,The best thing to do is to post your details up on pepipoo and someone will take you through the process step by step (as there is a few routes you can go down).There is some very traffic law knowledgeable guys on there.You just keep opening the original post as you receive fresh correspondence from the scammers.

Remember the more people that bog the system down with paperwork,the less people will be scammed.You have rights and can use the law in your favour.These cameras are a joke and have been repeatedly shown to be open to discrepancy.

Hold your nerve and fight it all the way ,even if your unlucky enough to eventually get a court date (although it will proably get dropped before that)the worst that can happen is, that they prove you were speeding and increase your fine from £60 to about £100. They wont increase the points and costs cannot be awarded either way in Scotland. At the end of the day your only exercising your right to a fair hearing!

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