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Photos from Saturdays Run

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Cracking wee run today, cheers to Gumball for organising it and letting me use him as pace car on some of the twisty bits face-icon-small-happy.gif

Not long started and Gumball's at it already!


First stop in Arrachor


Correct me if i'm wrong on this one guys but pretty sure this was just after we came through Glen Lean "twisty bits" back onto the main road.



Then finally the last stop on the way home at the bottom of the Rest and be thankful





Nice pictures m8face-icon-small-cool.gif

I would like to have went but i was working this morningface-icon-small-sad.gif and i dont think my brakes would have taken it after the cooking they got on thursday nights run anywayface-icon-small-wink.gif


Think there were a few "brake" issuse today, self included.

The front discs seem to distort slightly when they get too hot but then sort them selves out once they've cooled down.

My mate Tom in the silcer classic had an impressive amount of smoke belching from his front brakes after Glen Lean face-icon-small-shocked.gif



hope everyone had a good time.

nice and steady this morning which was good, and wet though.

isnt it about time that shell opened some west highland stations though???


Defo mate i would have had my car mapped to run on Optimax but the closest one to me is about 20 miles, so i had to settle for Esso Super.

Do you recon if we all sent Shell an e-mail every week asking for it we would get anywhere? Most likely get asked politely to go away!



What we need is a big helicopter loaded with Optimax that can get anywhere in Scotland at a moments notice. Then just convert the cars to refuel on the move, and we're quids in.

Good pictures. I'll make the next one.


Cheers mate face-icon-small-smile.gif Hard work keeping an all white car clean though!

The front window got cracked on the run yesterday and it looks like there could be a wee delay in getting a replacement because i asked if i could have the correct thinner glass re-fitted. The glass people seemed quite understanding about it and are looking into getting one sourced through a dealer, so it might have to get sent over from Japan if nobody's got one over here.

If it's going to take a while i might just take the chance to put it away for the winter as its immaculate underneath and i'd like to keep it that way. Time to bring out the winter hack!

Hopefully still be able to bring it out for the November Photo shoot though.



Looks like im going to have to wait 6 or 7 weeks for my window face-icon-small-sad.gif

They asked the dealer (s&s i think) about the thinner one, who then contacted intenational motors, sure you know the procedure and it seems all the windows for this age of car have been superseeded by one number so it looks like the thin one is no longer available.

Appears nobody has the standard bronze tinted window in stock either so there's one being put on a boat and should be on it's way soon.

My old cavy feels like a 1.1 fiesta compared to the scoob but on the flip side when i take it out again it'll be like a new toy all over again face-icon-small-happy.gif


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