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Knockhill, potential all day slot 22nd October

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Dear all,

we've been offered the possibility of a whole day session at Knockhill on Saturday 22nd October from 9am to 5pm, with an hours break for lunch.

Costs would be in the region of £100 for the whole day.

How many would be interested - add you names to the list.

1. JohnS


John, A few of us were discussing this propasal earlier on with great interest.

We wondered who was likely to be attending. Was this just purely a SIDC thing with more limited numbers, or is it the standard Hot Marques with all the usual mad caterhams and ferraris and everything else? The 3 hours do fly by, especially if there's stoppages, and a more relaxed, limited numbers, session might be really good.

It was a top day out again today and I think another one later in the year might well be worth a shout face-icon-small-wink.gif


Hi JohnS, any idea when this will be confirmed so I can make arrangements to be onshore?



p.s. I don't need to take a Scooby do I??


Try & keep the list up to date face-icon-small-wink.gif - Just use the quote function from the latest post with the list so no-one's name is missed out face-icon-small-wink.gif

1. JohnS

2. duka

3. Higgy

4. Foz01

5. lessels

6. Gumball

7. baldyadonis

8. Shocker 13

9. Simon_a

10. Tino


is this for scoobys only or would a wee pug be able to join in?? i know it would be slower than all ur cars but i really wanna go to knockhill, but after seeing the banger racing at the last hot hatch day theyre no way im taking my car on there


1. JohnS

2. duka

3. Higgy

4. Foz01

5. lessels

6. Gumball

7. baldyadonis

8. Shocker 13

9. Simon_a

10. Tino

11. st3ph3n

12. The Admiral

Should have car back by then...

Cheers face-icon-small-smile.gif



<< 1. JohnS

2. duka

3. Higgy

4. Foz01

5. lessels

6. Gumball

7. baldyadonis

8. Shocker 13

9. Simon_a

10. Tino

11. st3ph3n

12. The Admiral

Should have car back by then...

Rog >>

If not he'll be in a Pug 307 HDI with a Nurburgring sticker on the back................no brakes and very little tread lefton the front tyres. He'll also be wearing a very daft wig/hatface-icon-small-tongue.gif


It would be our usual mix of cars, with Impreza, EVOs, Elises, Caterhams and Ferrari's etc face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

There just isn't enough of us in Scotland who take part in these events to be able to justify an Impreza only event, unless the price was double or higher, which would reduce numbers even more. 90% of people actually prefer the mix of cars anyway, as it's good to see who one marque compares against another, especially liked the mixed conditions we had yesterday.



I'll come along to this.. lets hope its dry & I see more scoobies out on track... lots in the car park... not *too many on track face-icon-small-wink.gif


1. JohnS

2. duka

3. Higgy

4. Foz01

5. lessels

6. Gumball

7. baldyadonis

8. Shocker 13

9. Simon_a

10. Tino

11. st3ph3n

12. The Admiral


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