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Porsche night this evening

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Anyone fancy a look at this??

6-8pm Knockhill

All the usuall Porsche action plus a 500bhp Escort

Me and Matt are booked on face-icon-small-wink.gif

Just hope I can get out of Glasgow early enough and that Matt can get all his stuff moved before fiveface-icon-small-smile.gif

Might catch some of you up there then?face-icon-small-smile.gif


Efforts have been doubled to ensure the team pulls through for the massive crowds at knockhill tonight.

Parts were sent overnight from Prodrive and Jun tunning in Japan to get the 7 speed box up and running along with the new anti-lag system from the boys at Rally-u-tech.

Car is now in the final satges of its testing before this evenings event

Thank you


Has Matt been stocking up on ice creams too? face-icon-small-happy.gif

Hopefully i'll pop up if my car is back in time. Is tonight being organised by Iain Griffiths (White/blue GT3 RSL)?


Iains nights are normally well organised. There should be a nice selection of cars up there too. As well as Matts there is normally a couple of 355's , 911's incl Iains GT3RSL, Noble, Smarties, Sevens and various Porkers.

Well worth a trip for a nosey (Iain, Phil (355) and Gordon (another GT3) normally drive the car like they're stolen!!! face-icon-small-happy.gif


Looking forward to this, the Mrs is left with the disoray of the new house. You can tell where my prioraties lieface-icon-small-happy.gif

Hopefully the car will be set up in time with all the new gear, my mechanic is working hard as we speakface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Might catch some of you there.



Is this just like a Top M night? Just turn up an ogle at the cars, or is it a pay at the gate job?

I'm going to head up for a look. Missing tracktime at the moment face-icon-small-sad.gif


I'm up fpr this,thanks for the heads up Hi Soob,I'll be the geek in the Silver Sti Wagon.

Someone say hello as I'll be on my tod.


ill be up ther as well, i enjoyed sunday that much lol dont worry MY94 ill be on my tod as well (except for the gilrfriend lol)


Great action,the Cosworth looked fast and the Diablo...............WHOW.....I've never seen one on track,what a noise and so happy to see the owner go for it out on track.Brill.Also the white GT3 driver did a 180 and was nearly hit side on,I bet his heart was in his mouth for a sec or two!

Also,sorry for being so anti-social,I spotted a few familiar faces but was on the blower to my work most of the time ---- the computers decided to stop working after I left for Knock Hill.

Thanks for the heads up,Jamie........I saw u but my brain was occupied with other things,sorry!

So I'll say hello to u nowface-icon-small-smile.gif


The lambo was mad! Got a couple of pictures.( sorry about the quality they were taken on my phoneface-icon-small-blush.gif




The b-road bomber is looking goodface-icon-small-wink.gif


Good night for testing anywayface-icon-small-smile.gif

Got a bit peeved with the marshals flying the blue flag at us when the car behind wasnt even able to keep up, never mind pass us!!!

Over all it was good to get another good test session in so that the repair/ modify list can be added too.


Lambo wasnt all that fast to be honest. I was surprised. The guys leathered us under breaking and we were down to 4 gears. Fifth had taken the rest of the day off!!

So over all ...........it was a struggle

.......oh , and Matt didnt put enough juice in the tank!


did anyone see that TT its reg was S7OLEN the 7 was a different style to look like a T, thats one of the best reg's ive seen must have cost a good bit, unless he S7OLE it face-icon-small-shocked.gif lolface-icon-small-happy.gif


yes,seen the TT before.its always in Knockhill.I believe it belongs to owners familyface-icon-small-smile.gif

sorry i didn,t go.i must have missed a good night.


should have seen this wee Rover 114 GTI pmsl all noise no go

nicest car there was the B road bomber face-icon-small-wink.gif was going to say hi matt but being a newbie i didnt know what to say lol ,nice car BTW. i love that body kit, which one is that or is it a one off

i finally witnessed why i h8 porsches, a couple of porsches seemed to enjoy going round in circles more than the track cmon AWD (mon the Scoobs) shame i only hav a Fwd face-icon-small-sad.gif not for long tho face-icon-small-happy.gif

ps was it just me or did that lambo sound horrible


was a good night, the fix/modify list is huge now but we'll get there. I was having no bother with the porsches on the straights but they could outbrake me by quite a distanceface-icon-small-mad.gif The marshalls were having a laugh as well, giving me the blue flag when the car behind was no where near me let alone able to pass. "Oh the porsche must be faster than the subaru, better blue flag him"...........I rightface-icon-small-mad.gif

Other than that it was a great night, by the end of the night the tyres were dead so it was drift time, Jamie screaming in the passanger seat "more power, more power"face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Next time lads come up and say hi, I know me and Jamie are a couple of ugly big brutes but we can be nice, unless its a marshall with a blue flag



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