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As above,my missus was parked in the car park @ Clydebank Shopping Centre on Sunday

while i was out with Swig,Andy,Squirrel and Imy.Returns to car to find some f**ker has whacked

my bonnet with something.Dented it right in the centre about 3" up from the edge and put 3 chips

in the paintwork.It's not been crashed into,some p**ck has actually done it on purpose.

God i'd have loved to have caught the c**t in the act,then again if i had i probably wouldn't be

posting this now as i don't think they give you access to PC's in Bar-L.

Sorry about the bad language but i really hate c**ksuckers like that.



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Dougster,it was the car park next to the boat,do any of the cameras

cover that car park???

It's not just that i was counting it up today,i reckon i've spent £1500

on the car in the past few weeks with more still to come,but this has just p**sed me off totally.


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Jaysus - I parked there a few times( reluctantly) whilst going to the cinema. I could never relax 100% in the knowlegde that my pride and joy may get damaged or stolen. The mentality of the guys is incredible. The joke of it is that most of them love cars ! Why can't they just admire it and walk on.......

Sorry to hear about this Del face-icon-small-sad.gif

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Cheers,everyone for your replies and sympathies,think i'll wait till

next week to let someone look at it.Don't even want to think about it just now.

Might not look much damage but we all know how expensive these things can turn

out(especially as you can't get to that bit of the bonnet from underneath to knock it out)

Grant,trust you to find a joke in it all.

Iwas being serious you know....LOL.


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Gutted to hear about the motor Del, how frustrating is it when someone attacks your pride & joy. You put all that work in & then some little d*** goes & does something like that. Fell for you mate, has happened to me on a couple of occasions, try somebody inscribing someones name down the side of your car with a key!!face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif Hope you get it back to normal soon!

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Hate this sort of thing.

I have had cars keyed, scraped down the side, driven into, ariels bent, windows scraped, wheel caps nicked, wipers bent etc.. - I really was not meant to own a car...

I should get the bus!

Hope you get it sorted Del - it seems to be the season of car scraping,denting and mangling...I am staying well out of the way of everything knowing my luck.

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

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