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SIDC IOM 2003 Any Details Yet?

paul n

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The other cars clubs I believe are Bentley (should have a good turn ouit after Le Mans at the weekend), Aston Martin, Porsche, Morgan and Lotus.

Also, spoke to Martin Wootten last night click for e-mail who is sorting out the track event for the event. If anyone wants more info about it, then feel free to e-mail him, or give him a phone on 01202 474358.

He'll be e-mailling me the booking form for the track event later today, but you can always contact him directly yourself if you wish.



PS Believe we are up to 35 - 40 so far, which is a few more than the same point last year face-icon-small-happy.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Just in case Richard has not got booster sorted, Dean at Bottom Line in Santon has plenty stock of all redline oil products inc booster...........also has stock of Greenstuff pads and discs etc......and alround nice guy that can be trusted on island....(in my exp of course) face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

If number needed give me a mail etc ........

Guest RB Simon

face-icon-small-happy.gif We have had our booking confimation come through!

Roll on September.face-icon-small-wink.gif

  • 1 month later...

Not long now chaps!!!!face-icon-small-happy.gif

The Saturday night is 'free' as far as organised events is concerned, BUT i and my fellow Manx SIDC members would like to organise something for you guy's coming over.

What would YOU do if you had the choice?

Either reply here or 'e' mail me direct on prouse@manx.net

Ta Ta


Regional Organiser

Isle of Man

Guest RB Simon

Have you got enough time to get a road closure for the mountain course so we can do a night run as well?!!!!!!!!!

If that idea fails!! what about a chinese?face-icon-small-wink.gif

Guest RB Simon

What about the road closure?!! I can bring some cones over!!!!

Anywhere we could do a barbie or something - somewhere with a sizeable car park! (How about a barbie in the grandstand?!, or down by the Calf?)

You know the island better than us, what other options are there?

Have you go a go-kart track on the island, or ten-pin bowling?


Hi Richard

Will go with whatever you suggest, somthing to eat would be good.

Do you know if it is black tie on Sunday night?

Looking forward to coming back & seeing you all again




i have also been in contact with martin wotton asking about an itinary , as yet there is'nt one but he's working on it .

he also said we will be well looked after on IOM and there is no need to panic just yet!!!.

so when i have some more details i will post here .face-icon-small-smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Just in case you have missed the Other thread (re Manx Challenge)

I have booked 6 lanes for 2 hours on the saturday Night!!!!

Just need to know that a few more of you are coming!

(£240 to cover, but with 36 players £6.50 it's sorted)

We are all ready, but are you!!!!!!


Ta ta


IOM Regional Organiser

Member of the Elite White Lightning Club

(He He Phil)

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