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New Dastek SIDC RR day Thread 12/3/05

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Hope the Gearbox trouble aint too serious Playsatan face-icon-small-sad.gif Catch you next time

Spooks >>

Me too. You won't have to wait too long to catch up though, I'm still coming. Gonna cadge a lift with JonnyR6 after I've dropped it off at the garage.


1) Stephen (M3 Evo)

2) Stewart Whyte (Ford Escort Cosworth)

New Age

3) Swiggi ( New age WRX)

4) WRXMANIA (New age)

5) Andy.F (New age WRX)

6) Matt Sti-zlv (New age STi)

7) Skunk (New age STi)

8) Corsa (New Age STi)

9) ANDYJDMSTI ( New age STi)

10) HI SOOB (New age WRX with FMIC)


11) Coulty (Classic STi with FMIC)

12) Grumble (classic with FMIC)

13) TheSquirrel555 (Classic STi)

14) DRB5 (Classic)

15) krakann (classic WRX RA)

16) Carl (Classic)

17) Keap_scooby (Classsic WRX)

18) Ormiboy (classic JDM WRX )

19) Ben_s_1

20) Dad (classic)

21) Scoobykev (Classic)

22) gr555 (classic sti 2)

23) Pedro (Classic Wagaon)

24) Harvey (Wrx Wagon)

25) scottyt

26) jtm (Reserve) <<<< Not ready so Dorikin jumps up one.

27) Dorikin (reserve)

28) simbo (Reserve Classic WRX with FMIC )

29) Spooks (Reserve im back baby)

30) Imprezapete (reserve)

Scott looks like "scottyt" has MAF problems, but I'm sure he can speak for himself..( Just incase I put my size 9's in where they dont belong)


I have PM'd the all the guys inc the reserve list so I hope we can still get the full monty face-icon-small-wink.gif

I will make a new list once I get a few more confirming PM's.



Hi Everyone,

I am passing on a message from Harvey Smith who will be arriving at Dastek at Midday.

If anyone would like a Catch Tank, Boost Controller or NF Octane Booster please email him at Harveysmith1@btopenworld.com and he will bring them up with him.

Have a great day.



The fridge appears to still be in one piece after a wee test run tonight. God knows if it will make it to Edinburgh or not and then if it'll survive the mapping session. face-icon-small-happy.gif

I know this is a PITA question but is there any Shell stations near Dastek?

Oh, oh, Scott/Doug etc - i've been nominated to take the SIDC banner down with me for photos etc. I trust one of you guys knows what to do with the thing? face-icon-small-happy.gif


Carl still trying to figure out how to get the flag raised never mind the banner face-icon-small-wink.gif

Edited to add that aint sure about Shell stations sorry, I know a BP nearby face-icon-small-sad.gif , pretty sure that there is one nearby as Grantyboy had to get fuel first time out



Just logging on after a small hiatus. I'll come along for the social and take some snaps. If possible, I'd like to put the big blue on the rollers. It'll be good to se what she can do. Any spaces left?

See you in the morning. Who's idea was 8:30? Man that's early!


Hey Charles, sorry but the spaces are filled face-icon-small-sad.gif I could put you down as a reserve. You may be able to get a run later in the day depending on numbers etc

And blame dastek for the 8.30 start face-icon-small-wink.gif



Good turnout as per usual.

Well done to Spooks and Rose for the organisation, and to the Dastek guys for getting them all through.

Post your results and any pictures in the other post above this (if it's still above) face-icon-small-smile.gif

Also, the day will be featured in Scooby Magazine Issue 5 so get subscribing.

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif

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