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just wanted to say hi from dumfries

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Hi all , just wanted to introduce myself, i am Gordon a self confessed hearts fanatic ( had to give up going to the games when i got my scooby 3 months ago but hell it was worth it)!!!!

I am not sure if there is much activity with the sidc (which i joined yesterday) in this part of scotland, i am in Dumfries but originate from Glasgow, scooby princess could be nearest me but let me know who is from this region and we could hook up, just got myself a nice wrx buggy and i am keen to make new friends and share stories and experiences, please all feel free to email or post messages for me and through time i look forward to meeting you all at various events throughout the country.

I have been watching this site for about 4 weeks now and feel you all are doing a superb job, please keep up the good work!!

Kind Regards

Gordon Kerr (jambo4life)


Welcome Gordon - I too have just acquired a WRX buggy ................Maybe catch you at one of the meets

Knockhill SIDC meet in March ( 4hr track day with plenty of spectating opportunities ) face-icon-small-wink.gif




Well Jamie , that is reassuring to know, i hope to be as much a part of this club and contribute in the future as much as you clearly have, thanks for the nice welcome!!


Hi Gordon,

I'm a Dumfries boy myself. It's good to see someone else from down that way on here. Give us a wave if you see me around the town!face-icon-small-happy.gif



HELLO GALLOWAY the nicht!!!

Dougster; Glasgow via IOM, Portpatrick, Glen Luce, Dunragit, Castle Kennedy, Stranraer then Weegie Land!!!


I've got a black, 52 plate WRX with morrette headlights Gordon. I'm working away at the moment, but back in town around the 11th. See you around. face-icon-small-smile.gif


No Swiggi that is just you who has the blurred vision.

Welcome to the forum Gordon. In March we are organising a run down your way, about 30 odd cars so far. I will PM you the route so you and MOTO can hook up with us as we get a bit further south.

If you see a DHL van flashing you that will be me. I pick up from Gates and DHL Dumfries every day.



hello everybody in D&G

im just down the road from you and everytime im up in Dumfries i see scoobys !!!

you probably will hang and draw and quarter me though as im english but lived near castle douglas for 2 years so you might forgive my nationality !!

any meets planned as we have an active club in Cumbria every month but i like my favourite private roads near Dumfries .

Green Wagon (is too noisy for the misses so she doesnt co pilot any more = extra 10 BHP ) face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


Why not try some Ayrshire hospitality, a lot of our meets this year are weekends ( the 11th of the month)

Del the R.o is from New Cummnock not to far .......especially in a scoob and we are always keen to meet fellow sooby freaksface-icon-small-wink.gif we are a very hospitable bunch.

Andy ...............Come an join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u Know u want to !!!!!!


Hi Gordon,

Nice to see another Jambo scooby owner face-icon-small-smile.gif

So how come your lucky enough to be a Hearts fan, when you originate fi glasgie ??

oh and welcome


Hi,Gordon welcome to the forum mate....i take it you have the"i want more

stuff for my scooby bug" just like the rest of us.

hopefully get to meet you on the March Mad One if you hook up with us as we

travel further south.


i can only get faster


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