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Fitted my gauges

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I fitted my Defi's and a knocklink recently. Thought I'd post some pics. I've had some activity on the knocklink so was wondering where I could get some NF?





Looks really good mate. I like the Knocklink subtly placed in the surround

Pentland components sell NF but they are mainly based around Lothian way. Millers do a good Octane booster called CVL.

Under what circumstances are you getting activity on the KL?



<< Under what circumstances are you getting activity on the KL?Grant >>

I can't actually remember what rpm I was at. I was coming off a roundabout in second and floored it. The knocklink lit up like a christmas tree just as I was about to change up.


Anything under half a tank can bring on KL activity due to the fuel sloshing about from side to side in the tank.

The other thing that can raise det without it being a fuel issue is the oil temp rising and the fumes being pulled into the induction. The crankcase vents to the induction tract directly above the pistons. This can raise the intake charge enough to cause the activty on the KL

With it being a P1, a type-r remapped for UK fuel, i would still run it with booster and Optimax as the 276 horses would be happier that way . If you get any activty on the KL then it might be down to the oil temp or fuel surge.



I've got a P1 too mate, and the KL is usually pretty quiet when running on pure optimax. I always carry a bottle of NF though in case I get a bad tank. You'd be surprised how much Optimax varies from fill to fill. If I get any more than one yellow consistantly, I throw some NF in and try and dilute the tank at another station as soon as I can. I rarely fill the car right up for this reason. There are also some rumours that Optimax loses it's knock suppression properties over time so I prefer half filling more often to go along with that theory too.



p.s. The P1 has the same map as the type R - it's just got more sensitive knock correction.




p.s. The P1 has the same map as the type R - it's just got more sensitive knock correction. >>

I knew they were Type-R's shipped over as is from Japan. I didnt know to what extent they fiiddled with them on these shores.



<< Hepy,

thought i would join you in the Defi appreciation societyface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Any excuse to get them out!!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-cool.gif >>

Very nice mate. face-icon-small-happy.gif

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