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Knockhill Today With Pics Added

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Fantastic pics Gordon and Chris turned out better than I thought because of the weather.

Will say sorry for me and the other half for leaving early but was a tad cold and wet with the wrong clothing. Ensued up being a tad grumpy haha

Hopefully next track day I might be on track or pax ride.


I had a great time too, thanks very much to all involved.

If anyone has anymore of the RB320 let me know.




Nice pics.

Thought the standard of driving was great.

Scoobys were holding their own.

That evo with red wheels was really quick.


I moved over to let the two Evos by (red was one of them) to get a little bit of sport but they promptly slowed down and let me by LOL doh.

Good driving all round - only issue I had was a bit of a tight release from the pitlane. I came over the hill around 115mph and was greeted by a stream of 5 or so cars tootling out of the pits :o I normally brake somewhere around the pit exit for in the wet (end of white line in the dry) so had to haul on the anchors and stay in the centre of the road.

Didnt get held up by anyone :) Did run a little wide after misjudging a pass on an Elise I think it was. They looked to slow on the apex to move over out of my way. I assumed they would corner then move.... anyway I paid more attention the them than the track and ended up passing them on the astrotuff/grasscrete stuff on the outside of the chicane LOL

PS - Michelin Pilot Sport cups, lots of camber and 255 section tyres are mince in the wet LOL


Excellent pics as usual John, good to see your still getting out and about.

Cheers Arch. Are you competing this year?


I moved over to let the two Evos by (red was one of them) to get a little bit of sport but they promptly slowed down and let me by LOL doh.

Good driving all round - only issue I had was a bit of a tight release from the pitlane. I came over the hill around 115mph and was greeted by a stream of 5 or so cars tootling out of the pits :o I normally brake somewhere around the pit exit for in the wet (end of white line in the dry) so had to haul on the anchors and stay in the centre of the road.

Didnt get held up by anyone :) Did run a little wide after misjudging a pass on an Elise I think it was. They looked to slow on the apex to move over out of my way. I assumed they would corner then move.... anyway I paid more attention the them than the track and ended up passing them on the astrotuff/grasscrete stuff on the outside of the chicane LOL

PS - Michelin Pilot Sport cups, lots of camber and 255 section tyres are mince in the wet LOL

lol, at least you know how bad they are in the wet now though :)

Were they much better ion the dry on the Sunday, even if you did only get a few laps on them before the gearbox went?


Cheers Arch. Are you competing this year?

Aiming for the Kames MLR sprint then the Kames MSA sprint at the end of July cant get enough rounds in now for the Scottish but hope to get to Golspie in Sept as well not sure what else maybe something down south.


Aiming for the Kames MLR sprint then the Kames MSA sprint at the end of July cant get enough rounds in now for the Scottish but hope to get to Golspie in Sept as well not sure what else maybe something down south.

Can't make the Kames dates, but might see you further north :)


Great photos everyone, and nice to meet some new faces and catch up on old ones.

Bit of a mixed bag with the conditions, started off on really well worn Bridgestones RE70's when it was damp at the start hoping it would dry up, but changed to Toyo's when the rain got heavy.

Car seems to have way too much understeer when its wet compared to my old white ra, but is perfect when dry. Need to investigate that one.

Didn't actually do that many laps myself, about 15. Donna did about 10, and Nick more than 40.

Somethings not right with this arrive and drive set up he's got <_<


I had used but only just legal RE070's on all day and can hand on heart say there was not a condition that they performed well in. Awful tyres!And dont get me started on brakes :lol:


I found that RE-070s were fantastic on warm dry days only, but very twitchy in the wet and prone to locking up easily (or activating the ABS). Don't even think about using them in the snow - I tried and wouldn't recommend even getting out of bed to start the car :D

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