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I Hate Cyclists

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I hate these bloomin ignorant ignorant arrogant bas***** all riding 2 or 3 abreast with no traffic sence and running red lights as they please I realy wish I was a copper and I would fine them all for having total disregard for the highway code a AND Running RED lights before seeing how their lycra gay suits hold up to a right good flame throwering arrgghhhh ;):P

........ and relax


See me, see cyclists...!

I'm convinced one of the buggers put a dent in my wing (now fixed) as he squeezed past between the gutter and my near side :D

And I had a would-be contender for the 'Tour De Fife' mouth off at me after I had slowed down and steered slowly left to take the leftmost of a trio of road humps (the only one you would take on a blind fecking corner!). In his impatience the bampot decided to undertake me, and apparently believed that I had moved left to 'block' him :P

Some of them are OK, but there seem to be a significant self-righteous proportion who go out of their way to fall out with motorists. Nice way to carry on when you don't have insurance and have free use of the highways (i.e. no road tax specific to bikes) ;)


Posted (edited)

I feel your pain dude.

Do not ever drive in the centre of London. I drove some work mates down in the work pickup to the bus station during that bloody ash cloud. It was morning rushour and there were cyclists/mopeds/scooters/motorbikes EVERYWHERE!!! One of them cycled into the pickup and started to shout and swear at me, i promptly hauled the handbrake up and jumped out along with the 4 other offshore dudes and told him where to put his bicycle. He then toodled off quitely...

Quite right...... the little feuckers should pay road tax too ;)

Yes, they use the road and wear it out. If it was a "road tax" they should be paying.

Edited by LewisScoob
Posted (edited)

Ah...the good old 'i hate cyclists' type thread! :D

Have we turned into Scabbynet? There are some belters on there!

Well, as a keen cyclist (i'm not gay Graham but wear lycra...like you would wear footy kit to play footy) and copper,

there have been plenty of times when I'm been saying to folk that I hope that non of their relatives are on a bike

and come across someone who has an attitude to cyclists like theirs.

Not having a good at anyone here but you end up cycling on the offensive because of the attitude of a lot of drivers.

As has been pointed out, cyclists are allowed to cycle 2 abreast, in fact IIRC the highway code encourages it.

You're supposed to pass a bike like you would a small car but a lot of the time you'll have someone just skimming

past your shoulder.

Or drivers thinking they can rush ahead just to turn left across the front of you when they would only have to wait

a few seconds.

Metal box versus bike isn't a big fight.

And remember that 'road tax' doesn't exist so you can't put that one of cyclists....but I drive a scooby so pay my fair share!!! B)

I do hate seeing cyclists go through red lights though and will deal with it if I'm at work. Gives everyone a bad name.

Dangerous cycling is a charge!

Remember though, if you do have an incident when it's car vs bike, you'll probably get hammered for it.

In the good old US it's like assault with a deadly weapon or something!

So....just tell yourself that you're not in a rush and relax....you'll get past shortly :D:D

Oh.....and at least we're probably easier to get past than those bloomin' motability sit down scooter type that are

also allowed on the road!!!

Love you all ;)

PS: I hope that doesn't come across as a total 'bite' to Graham's post!!! :P

Edited by Richie Cross

Nice one Richie.

Its typical of folk to stereo type, as only some cyclists are nutters. Just like Scoob owners. But US cyclyst dont shout about all the twats in their high performance knob extension, when they want to drive like WE dont exist.

And yes when Im in the Scoob I do leave them plenty room and give them a bit of extra time. As Id prefer a minute longer in this life , than a minute sooner in the next.

Shame on you all.

And did yous not start on the roads with a bike?


Now coming from a reformed cyclist what about the idiot cyclists that take us ages to safely pass by say a couple of hundred yards before a red light, do they wait patiently at the back of the que until the light changes to green? Do they hell....... they just cycle past millimetres from your paintwork and sit just past the white line, now they have cycled down this road millions of time so they know the light sequence and that translates to the cyclist pedalling like he stole the bike away from the lights weaving about in front of all the irate motorists he/she has just past BEFORE the bloody lights change back to green giving the idiot cyclist that few extra seconds to hold us all up again!

Hope you lot all get piles


with a passenger in the car harass the cyclist while behind them till they stand up to cycle faster and while overtaking them get your passenger to hang out the window with a cane and whip them on the a$$ :P:D not that i have ever dont this in my younger days B):lol: its fun

Now coming from a reformed cyclist what about the idiot cyclists that take us ages to safely pass by say a couple of hundred yards before a red light, do they wait patiently at the back of the que until the light changes to green? Do they hell....... they just cycle past millimetres from your paintwork and sit just past the white line, now they have cycled down this road millions of time so they know the light sequence and that translates to the cyclist pedalling like he stole the bike away from the lights weaving about in front of all the irate motorists he/she has just past BEFORE the bloody lights change back to green giving the idiot cyclist that few extra seconds to hold us all up again!

Hope you lot all get piles

And what's the difference between that and motorbikes/scooters (space permitting) that do the same?

Don't think it's an offence.

I see plenty of cars that aren't always sitting behind the white line?

How about the cars that sit in the space that's actually provided for cyclists at the front at lights?

" they just cycle past millimetres from your paintwork"

That'll be like the drivers in their big cars who drive millimetres from you rather than giving you space.

"all the irate motorists"

Do you speak for them all?

So the 'idiot' cyclist holds back the 'knob' driver for a few seconds in their day!!!

There are more things in life to get worked up about. :P

Posted (edited)

i would personaly like to go for what they do in - " i think it was the volkswagen advert", get your passenger to hang out the window with a MASSIVE trout or salmon , slow down and whack them with it :D:P

as for the cyclist , i often see them just run through the red lights , they know the lights for the other side have turned red and instead of stopping and waiting 10 seconds for it to start to change they just cycle straight on through, even worse when the filter through the cars offside and inside until they get up to the line and then sit bang right infront of you ,instead of just to the left , im not tarring every cyclist with the same brush as i do get plenty that hold back just off to the left of me if im at the lights .

i do when passing try to give them atleast 5foot of room , im sure i read somewhere that you have to give significant and i always try to give a fair amount or if its a bit tight i will hang back instead of passing very close to them much to the annoyance of the drivers behind me , but the way i see it , they could come off and fall infront of me and there we go hes turned into a mini speed bump .

you could always argue about them jumping the red lights like ive said but they dont all do that , but then you have the drivers that see the lights turning to orange and speed up just to nip through before it turns to red instead of waiting two mins , or if it is on red they just keep crawling through waiting for it to go to orange before going to green , or maybe thats just poor clutch control.

Edited by thebigfelly

Peter you should know better, Motorcycles dont hold the traffic up and are nothing like the numpties using pedal power.

I was stuck behind this group taking up the whole carriageway (yes whole carriageway) from India tyres right the way into Renfrew which is about 3 miles. I was 5 cars back and never had a safe opportunity to pass so i didnt. I was in the Astra van which also compounded the issue as I didnt have the power to just pull out and blast past.

The group of about 15 - 20 muppets went through the red light at the Renfrew swing bridge AND the traffic lights outside the Police station so they held me up for a fair bit more than 2 seconds, more like 3 miles.

i would personaly like to go for what they do in - " i think it was the volkswagen advert", get your passenger to hang out the window with a MASSIVE trout or salmon , slow down and whack them with it :D:P

Aye, I thought if that too. It was mini on a "mini adventure" They were in the buff though. not sure im keen on that!


If more folk went out cycling to see what it was like to be part of a chaingang, I'm sure motorists tolerance of them would be so much better.

Richie, I'd agree with most of what you're saying. There certainly are a lot of "Knob" drivers out there without any common sense that put the lowly cyclist on the defensive.

I've spent some time over in Holland, and because cycling is a huge part of their society mostly all of the roads give way to cyclists at intersections so the driver has no choice but to be careful and even stop.

The occasional encounter with even a small group of cyclists is met with great fury and lots of gesticulating over here. Don't know the solution, but it's not nice to be on the receiving end of the abuse or poor driving, that's for sure!!

Posted (edited)

Phil, yeah...if people went out on their bike and were on the receiving

end then it might be different.

Like you say, totally different on the continent.

Graham...I've seen plenty of shocking riding by motorcyclists,

the favourite is usually double white lines.

We all use the road and no-one's perfect.

I hope I see you posting up when you've been

stuck behind a tractor doing 20mph for a few miles.

See if some farm types get upset. A lot of cyclists can go along

at 20mph or not far off.

When I'm out with a mate, we go single file when car's are

behind us. Never been in a big group so don't know

what their thinking is.

The red light thing is a definite no-no.

But not everyone using pedal power is a numpty! :P

And I'll try not to get involved anymore.

Just hope no-one gets too frustrated, does something

daft and ends up in jail.

Edited by Richie Cross

...all of which leads me onto my next observation about cyclists:

Easily wound up, aren't they? B)

In all seriousness, the majority of chain-chuggers seem to get on OK with motor traffic - you're right cyclefolks, it's the minority of troublemakers that we tend to remember. We ought not to promote stereotypes :P

Personally, I give plenty of room to cyclists when overtaking - at least 3/4 of one side of the carriageway - and I only overtake once I can see far ahead enough to do so safely. My gripe is more with the townie types, some of whom ride far too close to the car's bodywork in queueing traffic, and some of whom don't know how to behave when a car is driving slowly over a series of speed bumps. Seriously, I'm happy for faster-moving cyclists to overtake me if I'm taking my time over sleeping policemen - just don't do anything daft like undertake me in a narrow street when there's less than a foot between me and the kerb!

Remember, it's good to rant :D

Nice one Richie...shame on you Gmac,you are a motorcyclist and should know better

Aye bloody bikers who ride in between two lanes of traffic and sneak up the n/s at traffic lights etc.If im sitting in a queue i sit as close to the white line as i can get.What if a motorist has to vacate his car quickly and gets his door mangled by a bike??

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