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Keyed Bonnet

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Over the Xmas period while showing off my new car my brother noticed that someone had keyed my bonnet, 2 lateral and 1 longitudinal scratches about 12 inches each, only look to be down to the primer as no bare metal is visible.

I have only had the car for just over a month and hadn't noticed them myself, so have no idea where or when they were done, but I am far from happy.

I have tried some polish on them, but although this has smothed the scratches so they are hardly able to be felt, they are still there and highly visible.

Can anyone recommend me somewhere near the Edinburgh area that I can go to to get them sorted out and hopefully have the scratches removed in as good but affordable way as possible. Never had anyone do this sort of thing to me before so I wouldnt know how to go about finding somewhere to sort them, or even where to look, is it as simple as contacting a general bodyshop or something more specialised?

Hope someone can help me, cheers all.

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Have the bodyshop blow the colour over onto the wings to get a decent match. You never want to just have the bonnet resprayed as there will be a visible difference no matter what age of car. Any bodyshop worth their salt will advise this, if not it really is worth paying that bit extra for.

Hope you have it sorted soon mate.

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