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The Great Global Warming "hack"

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Posted (edited)

This doesn't deserve to be in off topic in my opinion, but, has no one seen the news about the University of East Anglia (who are the leading UK Climate Research group) getting "hacked"?

The alleged hackers released some 60mb worth of emails showing details which, to me and lots of others, proves once-and-for-all that it really is just an excuse to tax us even more.

Funnily enough, it's not being talked about much on the bbc, hmmm....

Edited by 4hero
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Its about time some thing like this was brought into the news. The goverment is going on about the banks being money grabbers but they are the worst them selfs.

Any one with some common sense can figure out its not us doing this to the climate, the problem is there is no one in the goverment with any of that so were all screwed IMO


It is on the BBC news website but its hidden away in the Science section.

All they seem to be worried about is Internet security when perhaps they should put a little more emphasis on the fact that the Government and E.U are lying c*nts!

Posted (edited)

I agree that its just an excuse to tax us even more.It is a proven fact that the planet earth has had temperature fluctuations (big word for a saturday nite) since time began.There is a coal fired power station in Yorkshire called Daxx which accounts for one quarter of all the CO2 produced in this country.

Extra "green taxation" is just an excuse for this useless labour government to raise extra revenue because they cant control the finances of this country due to fighting useless wars in sandpits in the deserts (my heart goes out to all our fallen heroes who should not have perished in these circumstances),paying for assylum seekers to stay here,paying benefits to lazy barstewards who just will not work etc etc.I dont know about you but in not proud to have scotsmen in number 10 and 11 downing street.

Which raises another question,why did the latest nuclear sub go so far above budget yet none of them moaned about that??Decent hard working people people cant get drugs for cancer etc because they are too expensive!!!!Oh come on!!

My poor dad needed a heart valve at 73 years of age but was deemed unfit and sadly passed away.He worked for 47 years as a train driver starting at all times of the day and night,payed all his taxes and bills on time but when he needed help he got feck all!

I apologise for the rant but i still to this day can see my dad in his hospital bed knowing fine well his time had come.

Edited by billyboy
I agree! Why should hard working people in this country pay for asylum seekers, lazy barstewards, and a war that should never have happened! Billy thats shocking what happened to your dad. In the same boat with my mother she worked for 40 odd years and now she gets treated like sh*t by the government! Really pisses me off!

And some war veterans who fought for there country that get no help what so ever from Gordon Bawbag and left to suffer!

Rant over


Sorry to hear about your mum Gordy,i hope she gets the help she needs.



Just to prove a point here.My father in law who is the laziest,manky,disgusting auld barsteward whom you could ever meet has spent 99% of his life on the social.A lot of people including me work for minimum wage and i might add i work a 44 hour week as standard!

My darling father in law gets more in benefits than i get in wages!Who's the mug here?? ME!

My brother in law is the same as his father.Kids on he's got a bad back,doesnt declare hes living with his g/f who also has a mysterious bad back??They dont get up till 11am at the earliest,smoke like factory chimneys,run a car and have three computers,telly's and the whole deal!

But trust me hes breeding dogs on the side and his ;) will be mine!


I tell you one thing thats making me outrageously mad is these adverts that are on just now about climate change with the guy telling his little girl the bed time story, Its like were not getting the adults to believe it so lets try and scare all the poor little kids into believing our pi5h.

Its just a scare mongering tactic that bares no truth what so ever let alone any hard facts.

Anyone ever noticed that all the top scientists in the world that are pushing forward climate change ALL work for there goverments hmm somthing fishy ;)

Posted (edited)

Good find. There is a wealth of information available in magazine articles, the Internet and books that expose this garbage for what it is. Foisting this nonsense onto the public is nothing less than criminal. No point in blaming the Labour governement for it, as it is not entirely limited to them. Fear not, Cameron will drop a huge green hammer on all of us as well, just as soon as he gets in (Please God NO!).

This country leads the world in fighting climate change; in otherwords, we are so steeped in polictial correctness that we are unable to see sense, even in this. Why would the government not embrace it? Through hammering business, motorists and households with Green taxes, they are making a killing. Owning up to the truth would cost them a fortune. And we can't have truth, not at that cost!

Edited by TheWelsho
I tell you one thing thats making me outrageously mad is these adverts that are on just now about climate change with the guy telling his little girl the bed time story, Its like were not getting the adults to believe it so lets try and scare all the poor little kids into believing our pi5h.

Its just a scare mongering tactic that bares no truth what so ever let alone any hard facts.

Anyone ever noticed that all the top scientists in the world that are pushing forward climate change ALL work for there goverments hmm somthing fishy ;)

My 5 years old girl was hysterical after watching the dog drowning, she was having nightmares for days!

Like i said previously, the government are c*nts.


Aye - any opportunity to raise revenue through taxation... :rotfl:

What troubles me more deeply is that the electorate seem to tolerate - support, even - many of the tax hikes that are implemented in the name of environmentalism (road tax, petrol duty) :D

Honestly, if the government were really so interested in 'saving the planet', would they have concocted a scheme like the car scrappage allowance? Consider the impact on the environment from the manufacture of thousands of new cars, bought to replace older items, many of which might have been perfectly servicible...

Expect more of the same if/when the tories take the helm again ;)

Posted (edited)

Still not much coverage via the mainstream media, it's coming slowly though. Daily mail are covering it a bit. Also, one brave presenter from our own BBC has started something, some interesting comments on his blog.

A question for you all, when will you all be contacting your mp's to ask for a rebate for all the "green taxes" that you have paid in the past, for example; road tax?


Edited by 4hero
Still not much coverage via the mainstream media, it's coming slowly though. Daily mail are covering it a bit. Also, one brave presenter from our own BBC has started something, some interesting comments on his blog.

A question for you all, when will you all be contacting your mp's to ask for a rebate for all the "green taxes" that you have paid in the past, for example; road tax?


Great stuff, keep it coming! :rolleyes:


My opinion of the BBC has changed greatly over the last couple of days :rolleyes:

How can they headline the whole climategate on Monday night on Newsnight (BBC2), yet, 30 minutes later on the 11 o'clock news on News 24 not a mention, zilch? What a bunch of eejits :)

This is serious guys, we have been diddled for years with our increased Road Tax based on CO2 emissions, when exactly will they be paying it back to us?

My opinion of the BBC has changed greatly over the last couple of days :rolleyes:

How can they headline the whole climategate on Monday night on Newsnight (BBC2), yet, 30 minutes later on the 11 o'clock news on News 24 not a mention, zilch? What a bunch of eejits :)

This is serious guys, we have been diddled for years with our increased Road Tax based on CO2 emissions, when exactly will they be paying it back to us?

BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8377465.stm


Climate change is a really tough argument, but I have to agree we do seem to be being seriously mislead by the government and media while more serious climate issues are seemingly ignored. It is however important to keep a balanced view, rather than being extreme on either side.

1) There IS strong evidence to suggest that human activity is affecting the climate, be it in the current warming phase or the cooling phase seen in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century.

2) Saving energy and finding renewable sources of energy isn't necessarily a bad thing. We all consume way more energy than we really need to (particularly the Americans), so be it driving a more efficient car, using energy saving light bulbs, not leaving the TV in standby or building more energy efficient homes, we can all do our little bit for the planet and its all good. In this respect, current government policy is probably a good thing, although ultimately will have little effect in the grand scheme of things, although that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything we can!

3) While its always been clear to me that the IPCC massage the data to suit their political goals, you also have to consider the people other side of the fence who have stolen these emails will also only be releasing snippets of the emails taken completely out of context in order to suit their anti-global warming objectives. Balance both sides of the argument and you'll probably find the truth is in the middle!

4) Electric vehicles or electric hybrid vehicles are really not the answer. The environmental cost of producing the batteries required is more damaging to the environment as a whole than the savings in CO2 they yeald! The best alternative fuel available is hydrogen and governments and car companies would be better off investing in hydrogen production technology than wasting their time on electric cars!

5) Any savings we can make in our own private lives are largely irrelevant in comparison with the much greater causes, such as deforestation and shipping, that are currently being largely ignored by the governments of the world.

6) Deforestation is probably the biggest issue in the global warming problem. Partly because the deforestation process itself is responsible for around 17% of the human produced CO2, 10% of which is from just burning the unwanted trees! On the flip side, we need the trees to soak up all the CO2, so be destroying the trees we're also reducing the planets ability to handle all that CO2, this is the real reason why CO2 levels are rising so rapidly! Some of the main causes of deforestation are soya production, bio fuels, beef farming and believe it or not, bottled water!

So next time your chewing on your South American steak, or soya based Veggie Burger while sipping on some cheap Indonesian bottled water, or driving to the shops in your bio-diesel fuelled e-car, remember you're contributing to the biggest cause of global warming! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
Climate change is a really tough argument, but I have to agree we do seem to be being seriously mislead by the government and media while more serious climate issues are seemingly ignored. It is however important to keep a balanced view, rather than being extreme on either side.

1) There IS strong evidence to suggest that human activity is affecting the climate, be it in the current warming phase or the cooling phase seen in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century.

2) Saving energy and finding renewable sources of energy isn't necessarily a bad thing. We all consume way more energy than we really need to (particularly the Americans), so be it driving a more efficient car, using energy saving light bulbs, not leaving the TV in standby or building more energy efficient homes, we can all do our little bit for the planet and its all good. In this respect, current government policy is probably a good thing, although ultimately will have little effect in the grand scheme of things, although that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything we can!

3) While its always been clear to me that the IPCC massage the data to suit their political goals, you also have to consider the people other side of the fence who have stolen these emails will also only be releasing snippets of the emails taken completely out of context in order to suit their anti-global warming objectives. Balance both sides of the argument and you'll probably find the truth is in the middle!

4) Electric vehicles or electric hybrid vehicles are really not the answer. The environmental cost of producing the batteries required is more damaging to the environment as a whole than the savings in CO2 they yeald! The best alternative fuel available is hydrogen and governments and car companies would be better off investing in hydrogen production technology than wasting their time on electric cars!

5) Any savings we can make in our own private lives are largely irrelevant in comparison with the much greater causes, such as deforestation and shipping, that are currently being largely ignored by the governments of the world.

6) Deforestation is probably the biggest issue in the global warming problem. Partly because the deforestation process itself is responsible for around 17% of the human produced CO2, 10% of which is from just burning the unwanted trees! On the flip side, we need the trees to soak up all the CO2, so be destroying the trees we're also reducing the planets ability to handle all that CO2, this is the real reason why CO2 levels are rising so rapidly! Some of the main causes of deforestation are soya production, bio fuels, beef farming and believe it or not, bottled water!

So next time your chewing on your South American steak, or soya based Veggie Burger while sipping on some cheap Indonesian bottled water, or driving to the shops in your bio-diesel fuelled e-car, remember you're contributing to the biggest cause of global warming! :rolleyes:

1) show me the evidence (and no links to Al Gore please :D)

2) Can't be a bad thing reducing the energy we use, it's good to save money :)

3) Prove someone stole the emails, and that they weren't leaked by someone on the inside? Maybe should change the subject of this thread to Climategate.

4) Imagine an electric car with a speaker in the back replicating the noise of a V12 :)

5) Still, if we can save a few quid by using low energy appliances/lighting, we all save (and the government get less)

6) We really shouldn't chop all the trees down, purely for the purpose of the little animals/insects who live in (and around) them, poor things.

Carry on eating your South American steak, we do not contribute to global warming, the planet hasn't warmed in the last 10 years.

Edited by 4hero

And dont think much to your points there dude, you are talk about balance, but are reading from the other side's bible there...

Hmmm, kinda what I was thinking too. The former editor of the science magazine "Nature" appeared on radio and TV and among many other things. stated that the amount of human-produced CO2 was an infinitesimal amount when compared to the naturally occurring CO2. He said that if our planet is warming, there is just no way we puny humans are causing it. Wildly paraphrased of course.


This has p***ed me off that much that i am going to leave all the lights on in the garage tonight LOL,stick yer global warming!!!and while we are on the subject,CO2 and road tax,PI$H,what happens if you have an sti that does 5000 miles a year or a t**t in a 'GREEN' car that does 30000miles a year,which one produces a greater carbon footprint....exactly.....TO$$ERS.

As i step carefully down from my soapbox....you've got to watch at my age you know!!

Gav :rolleyes:

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