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Thanks To Autoecosse

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Thanks to Autoecosse for today. Had my first trackday today in my bugeye and thought it was an awesome day. Hope to do it again soon. :whistle:B):D




I'd like to echo Geo's sentiments here. It was a fantastic afternoon, cheers Tim and the rest of the AutoEcosse and charity staff for making it possible.

I hope a healthy amount was raised for Ninewells hospital (Pardon the pun)?

Was also good to chat to other SIDC owners, and thanks to Andy for a white knuckle ride in his WRX hatch (I'm such a terrible passenger I felt the onset of car-sickness after only a couple of laps, think I'll stick to being behind the wheel :whistle: ).

Echo..AutoEcosse day out was superb! If they can do it for £50/4 hr session then you have to ask questions?

I heard that they paid a lot of money for the track time, and subsidised it for everyone this afternoon. So a huge thank-you to them, and hope from their point of view it was deemed a success so we can have a similar 2nd Birthday celebration next year :whistle: .

I know that my friend and his father who came along were mightilly impressed with the Impreza B) .

Echo..AutoEcosse day out was superb! If they can do it for £50/4 hr session then you have to ask questions?

Craig I think you will find that john will be running the SIDC track days at virtually break even :whistle:

Craig I think you will find that john will be running the SIDC track days at virtually break even :whistle:

A great afternoon and both gf and daughter loved going out in the car but i think all those fast cars may have created a little girl racer in the making.

Would be great if SIDC could do days for £50 including a burger :D but think we just have 2 be thankful we made the most of a good oppertunity B)

Cheers to all @ autoecosse.


trackscotland run there 4 hour sessions at a similar price to the SIDC ones, just how autoecosse ran theres so cheap is a mystery to me though, maybe due to low numbers and intrest when first advertised they dropped the price dramatically to fill spaces? only a guess though?


I honestly wish we could run our events at those sort of prices, but even 10 years ago we had to charge £65 for a 4 hour session to break even.

Being a dealer, Autoecosse would be able to claim back the VAT, write off the costs against tax as a promotional event/advertising and the remainder can be recovered from the profit of one or two etxra car sales over the next 12 months making it a very viable proposition to run more events like this in the future.

It was great that it has given so many the chance to pop their track "cherry", and given them the bug to come back for more :whistle:


Posted (edited)

Glad that yesterday went well, I was on a flight home so wasn't able to make it (Again) and I was really looking forward to it too!!!!

Edited by thefastone

Good day for me as well and big thanks to auto ecosse for making it possible for my first scooby outing at KH :-)

I think a lot of people also enjoyed the hot passenger laps in the new scoobys so hope that raised a lot of money for the charities.

Whens the next one? :-)

Posted (edited)

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the positive feedback and I'm glad everyone had a great day out. We were glad we could take so many folk out for passenger laps and that so many people managed to get their cars on the track for the first time. The 2 Impreza's held up great, albeit with a little brake fade late on in the day and I'm sure they surprised a few pre-hatch Impreza drivers!! And if you managed to get a ride in the cortina or MGB, I'm sure you would have got a surprise too - they are both FIA cars, so they are not overly tweaked or enhanced in any way - just goes to show the quality of race cars made back then, but as soon as the rain started, they were quickly put back in the paddock!

In response to the cost questions, John is quite right when he says that we heavily subsidised the event and I know for a fact that the SIDC session in the morning was a loss making event. The cost of running a 4 hour event during summer is in excess of 5k+vat, so if you do your numbers, 50 cars (if you get 50!) is 115 each!!

It was a marketing and awareness event for us as a business, so we can justify the expense, but i'm not sure John and the SIDC crew could keep on putting on events if they are not even breaking even, so please get behind these guys for the upcoming events. I didn't get much time in the Lotus Cortina so will hopefully have it out for the next SIDC track day.

We will definitely do a similar thing next year, because it is such a great day out for everyone, staff included.

Thanks again,


PS: I haven't counted the money raised for charity just yet, but will post up the final figures later today!

Edited by autoecosse

Firstly great day out all, thanks John and Autoecosse.

Its a a bit unfair of people to criticize the SIDC prices when the afternoon session was obviously a promotional event.

Solution? What about having SIDC days midweek?

Im sure people would take a holiday/sicky for a full day on track.

I recently went to a Lotus On Track day at Knockhill, from 9-5 on a Friday and it cost £140 each.


Mikey - we have run mid-week events in the past, though not for about 6 years now. In fact we started off by doing 6-8pm mid week events over 10 years ago :whistle:

Whilst some people can take a day's holiday/sicky for a track day, not everyone can and over the course of a year it would account for 4 or 5 day's holiday. In the past for mid week events we had less people taking part to spread the cost over, so the savings on a mid-week event were negligible, maybe £10 per person.

Overall, although we were a few people short of break even point on Saturday, over the course of the 4 events this year things will hopefully balance out OK B) A similar things happened the last time we ran an event in August, with many regulars away on holiday and other events so we'll simply give August a miss next year :D

Looking forward to seeing lots of people at our next event on the 19th September.



Cheers to the guys at Autoecosse, really well organised event and the bbq was just the ticket. I had a great day out in the RA, I've been wanting to get it up to knockhill for ages, well until the rain came down, I tried a few laps in it but came back off as I was driving like miss dasey! anyone know what that 350Z convertable was kicking out, it was a beast ?


Many thanks to the guys at Autoecosse for the afternoon, felt really good on the first 4 laps then as I got faster the brakes got less and less.

Would deffo do it again but I am now seriously thinking of a dedicated track car as opposed to running the WRX again.

Tim remember I gave you my card regarding the Rodeo can you give me a call at some point.



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