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  TheWelsho said:
No one is arguing about Conner starting his own site, good luck to him. But please, read the rest of the posts and then tell me that there is no issues with clubs that essentialy have identical names and an identical interest.

There will be no issues as long as Connor makes it clear to anyone visiting his site that the 2 are completely seperate.

You guys are missing the point completely here, you failed to protect your "brand" you have no rights to the words "Scottish Scoobies" in ANY form, there is nothing stopping anyone starting up tomorrow trying to pass themselves off as you and there is not a thing you can do about it.

Connor is not going to do that i am sure, it has been a very harsh lesson that thankfully will not damage the excellent work you have done. I would suggest that the team that make up Scottish Scoobies get their heads together and in any way you can protect the excellent foudations you have built so far.

If this was the cut and thrust business world of a site generating income you would be screwed, any half decent SEO expert would be able to pull your traffic left right and centre and the first thing you would know about it would be a drop in revenue.

Not wanting to be too big headed about it let me give you a real life example.


You would think that the Abbey Group would be clever enough to own this domain and would have done so for years right?????


I bought it about 2 years ago and it now provides more hits per week than i could ever imagine (Site is down getting revamped ready for a re-launch)

I have my own financial company Abbey Financial Associates Ltd - We had to get domain approved by the FSA, and as long as we make it crystal clear we are Independent and NOT part of the Abbey Group there is nothing they can do.

Maybe i should be one of lifes good guys and see if Abbey want to just pay me the domain registration costs and i will let them have the name because they never thought to register it???? ;)

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Posted (edited)

it will be made very clear and im sure people wont come to my site by mistake and vice versa.

Im not taking credit for anything your site has done or will be doing.

All im doing is running my own community. If i was going to be a ***** about it i wouldnt of bothered to come on here and explain myself.

I feel i have come on here and explained myself than i needed to so if i dont post anymore replys im not been ignorant its just not much more to be said about the matter.

Edited by Connor_scotland
Posted (edited)
  ScottyRB320 said:
There will be no issues as long as Connor makes it clear to anyone visiting his site that the 2 are completely seperate.

You guys are missing the point completely here, you failed to protect your "brand" you have no rights to the words "Scottish Scoobies" in ANY form, there is nothing stopping anyone starting up tomorrow trying to pass themselves off as you and there is not a thing you can do about it.

Connor is not going to do that i am sure, it has been a very harsh lesson that thankfully will not damage the excellent work you have done. I would suggest that the team that make up Scottish Scoobies get their heads together and in any way you can protect the excellent foudations you have built so far.

If this was the cut and thrust business world of a site generating income you would be screwed, any half decent SEO expert would be able to pull your traffic left right and centre and the first thing you would know about it would be a drop in revenue.

Not wanting to be too big headed about it let me give you a real life example.


You would think that the Abbey Group would be clever enough to own this domain and would have done so for years right?????


I bought it about 2 years ago and it now provides more hits per week than i could ever imagine (Site is down getting revamped ready for a re-launch)

I have my own financial company Abbey Financial Associates Ltd - We had to get domain approved by the FSA, and as long as we make it crystal clear we are Independent and NOT part of the Abbey Group there is nothing they can do.

Maybe i should be one of lifes good guys and see if Abbey want to just pay me the domain registration costs and i will let them have the name because they never thought to register it???? ;)

Look, you're missing the point. There is no legal complaint, or any other complaint AT ALL! As I said in my first post on this matter which Connor agreed with and Phil subsequently noted as a good point, is that people DON'T use the .net .co.uk part of an organisation or club. So, its a pain in the a*** to tell poeple that "I post over in Scottish Scoobies, thats Scottishscoobies.co.uk, not the scottishscoobies.net as that is another site with the same name, blah blah blah." It was a friendly suggestion and it was taken as such. So there is no need to munch on about failingto protect the brand, for no one is saying that!

Also, what no one has pointed out is that Connor himself will have no unique identity. If I was starting a similiar thing, I'd want to step out from the shadows of that which was already established, making it clear that I am standing on my own two feet. Someone on here tried it before with SaltireScoobies, granted the venture never worked out that time, but the name was a good one becasue it said everything about what they where trying to do, "a Scottish-based Subaru club with not ties to any other" the name said it all and at no time caused confusion for the ordinary user. Conner cannot enjoy the same status as the afore mentioned SaltireScoobies.

Again, good luck Connor, I hope it works out for you. Its an exciting and worthwhile project, but please, come up with a more intuative name that makes you distinct.

Edited by TheWelsho


I hear what you are saying loud and clear and have sympathy.

But what "Scottish Scoobies" have done is not really unique in my eyes.

Take the domain www.scottishscoobies.co.uk and re-direct it to SIDC?

Where is the individuality in that?



  ScottyRB320 said:

I hear what you are saying loud and clear and have sympathy.

But what "Scottish Scoobies" have done is not really unique in my eyes.

Take the domain www.scottishscoobies.co.uk and re-direct it to SIDC?

Where is the individuality in that?



whether its unique or not is not the point, we already are recognised as scottishscoobies


To be honest guys we are just going round in circles

and probably givin the .net version more advertising than it could have ever have hoped for

Connor is going to run his site and has promised not to leach of the back of us

Perhaps we can draw this to a close

  phil said:
To be honest guys we are just going round in circles

and probably givin the .net version more advertising than it could have ever have hoped for

Connor is going to run his site and has promised not to leach of the back of us

Perhaps we can draw this to a close

no probs boss :P

Posted (edited)
  RA Dunk said:
whether its unique or not is not the point, we already are recognised as scottishscoobies

The response reference the Individuality/uniqueness was to Welsho RA.

I take onboard what Phil is saying as well clearly the point i am trying to make to "you" all is not getting through.

The problem is the recognition of "Scottish Scoobies" is not well known, most people fail to even understand the distinction between SIDC and Scottish Scoobies sorry but that is an honest assessment.

Yes Scottish Scoobies do a huge amount for charity which is fantastic achievement but outwith our online community what other presence do they have on the web in particular which will be affected by Connors venture???

I have seen similar issues previously in other online forums www.ducatisportingclub.com a largely English based following until someone took the Brave step of starting up www.ducati-upnorth.com and it has been a huge success, there will ALWAYS be an element of feeling that another forum in a specialist topic will take traffic away from an already established site. Ok the domain names in this instance are clearly different and not open to confusion.

I remember when Saltire was launched there was plenty of back stabbing going on right here on SIDC, pretty childish to be honest and down right rude especially considering that we all drive the same make of car and after all there is more to life than sitting surfing the forums all day like getting out and enjoying your motor!

I wish Connor every success in what ever form he decides to take his venture, maybe just maybe he will bring back into the Subaru fold individuals who have left SIDC for the short sightedness that is being displayed right in this very topic.



Edited by ScottyRB320
  ScottyRB320 said:
Yes Scottish Scoobies do a huge amount for charity which is fantastic achievement but outwith our online community what other presence do they have on the web in particular which will be affected by Connors venture???



what more do you need?

considering this place raises thousands for charity i dont want connors place (with the same name as this one :P ) getting any of the credit that may "unjustly" come his way through the work of this place

Posted (edited)
  RA Dunk said:
what more do you need?

considering this place raises thousands for charity i dont want connors place (with the same name as this one :P ) getting any of the credit that may "unjustly" come his way through the work of this place

Well then as i see it you only have 1 option, set up a proper committee register the conceptual rights to "Scottish Scoobies" and continue to raise the funds which you do so well, just don't moan when the "public" cannot differentiate you from anything else called "Scottish and Scoobies" in the same sentence without having a presence, and a public face.........

Edited by ScottyRB320
Posted (edited)

We are going by ScottishScoobies.net

If people choose to shorten it thats not our issue.

I seriously cannot imagine people getting "confused" between the 2 sites. As most people come through SIDC anyways.

I do see where you are coming from but Im not the type of person who is going to take credit for chartiy events and money raised that you have all done im not about that.

My site doesn't mention anything about the money you have raised for charity or events you have held to do so - My stickers etc look nothing like the SIDC ones either

Edited by Connor_scotland
  Connor_scotland said:
I seriously cannot imagine people getting "confused" between the 2 sites.

lol i can see loads of confusion TBH www.scootishscoobies.co.uk and www.scottishscoobies.net, theres wayyyy to similarities for there not to be any confusion dude :P

two seperate clubs with no ties practically sharing one name

  Connor_scotland said:
I seriously cannot imagine people getting "confused" between the 2 sites. As most people come through SIDC anyways.

My site doesn't mention anything about the money you have raised for charity or events you have held to do so - My stickers etc look nothing like the SIDC ones either

I always come here via www.scottishscoobies.com personally.

Was trying to think of a way you could have a notice on your home page linking to here as a "did you mean" type link, but without it making yours look "odd" IYKWIM. Personally I just think the names are too close not for it to cause some kind of confusion to people who aren't already in the know.

Also think that there are already a lot of clubs around for scoobies without having yet another one (but maybe that's just me), seems to be every now and then someone sets up another one. Although there isn't a forum setup, I believe that http://www.morayscoobies.co.uk/ is already in place for Moray, there is an Aberdeenscoobies forum, 22b.com, P1woc, RB owners clubs, WR1, SN, etc, etc... and in general the same people are on them all. Would have thought that a local region one, SIDC and SN was probably as many as were really needed... again just my opinion.


Did a little exercise recently

78 Subaru Forums in the UK 30+ charging some form of membership

Seems we have lots of IT type guys wanting to have there own site

it has diluted SIDC advertising revenue over the last couple of years

The trouble is that I don't see any of the other sites offering anything more or different

  Connor_scotland said:
i have always come through SIDC mate

But you were searching for the url to buy, you saw the .com and .co.uk were unavailable, but not once did you check these sites?

I buy domain names often and it's the first thing I do..

  phil said:
Did a little exercise recently

78 Subaru Forums in the UK 30+ charging some form of membership

Seems we have lots of IT type guys wanting to have there own site

it has diluted SIDC advertising revenue over the last couple of years

The trouble is that I don't see any of the other sites offering anything more or different


Knew that there were quite a few but didn't realise there were as many as that. Doesn't just dilute the revenue, could dilute the amount of info that there is on the main "original" boards.

Posted (edited)

why would i want to check them if they were not available.

You obviously wanting me to say "ok i admit it i knew it was called this" i didnt and thats that. No matter what way you word it or what you say i didnt bother checking. Why check for something thats not available.

I wanted to start my own site. Why would i care that there are many more out there like it.

As i say - If i knew about it i wouldnt of come on here to explain myself - I have nothing to hide nor have i done anything wrong - I bought a domain that was readily available. I didnt go out there to copy anyone as that would be pointless but it just so happens i got a scottishscoobies domain aswell.

I dont understand how people are going to get confused. I dont go on American ebay instead of the UK ebay by mistake.

My site is on the go and it seems to be doing good. Im not going to be changing the domain name as we already have alot of things in place which cannot and will not be changed.

I also think the reason there are so many sites is that people like variety.

Also this thread is going to keep going round and round in circles...................

im just awaiting the keyboard warrior comments to start ;-) i dont see how things need to be sour

Also cheers to the people who have contributed with constructive comments

Edited by Connor_scotland

phil is right, the same arguments coming up in circle fashion, but .. with respect .. there is absolutely no way conner didn't notice that this forum is called scottish scoobies, its written everywhere! (if you come in through SIDC, then you have to click on 'scottish scoobies' to get here. When considering what to call your forum you must've researched your options? To try and make us believe you have independantly come up with the same name is v patronising, ..when you buy a domain it would have told you that .co.uk etc was taken.. :P that didn't make you wonder?

The gentlemanly thing would be to change your sites name dude - It seems obvious. Is there a reason this can't be done? From your attitude I guess the answer to this will be "because I shouldn't have to". pretty rude IYAM.

If I started a forum at www.scottish-scoobies.co.uk, you imagine there would be no confusion? and it would be a fair thing to do?

Posted (edited)

Soundie - Everything you have said has been covered but will explain it again.


So because the section on this site is called scottish scoobies there has to be a website for it. I dont think so.

Right - I have SIDC in my favourites so why would i need to come through scottishscoobies.co.uk or .com

I dont have an attitude mate im just getting tired of saying the same thing in every reply.......So your saying i need to change my name due to nobody else purchasing it and because i found out later on there was another Scottish Scoobies i should scrap the name. I dont think so mate.

It wouldnt bother me if you started another Scottish Scoobies at all. Why should it? You can do what you want with the domains that are available.

So do people on here get confused between ebay.co.uk and ebay.com? im just curious as it keeps popping up about people getting confused over the names, because i dont. - We are ScottishScoobies.net not Scottish Scoobies so there shouldnt be confusion.

Its pretty obvious what the forums are about - Even if i was to call my site Scoobie Scotland its still for Scoobie owners in Scotland so its all the same......

I would see the point of this if i was being a ***** about it and copying you in every possible way and trying to take credit for everything you had done - I havent at all - Its a internet forum full of like minded folk.

The debate is over as far as im concerned - I have exlpained myself enough.

But the same things are going to be said over and over again.

Edited by Connor_scotland

Confused between ebay.com & .co.uk? They are the same company?

Good luck with your 12 members.


A genuine scottish scoobies member :P

Posted (edited)
  4hero said:
Confused between ebay.com & .co.uk? They are the same company?

Good luck with your 12 members.


A genuine scottish scoobies member :P

I know they are the same company - Im just wondering do you get confused and end up on .com

its not 12 members mate

Its 100 members

Do your research before trying to make smart a*** comments ;-)

Let the childish comments begin

Edited by Connor_scotland
  Connor_scotland said:
So your saying i need to change my name due to nobody else purchasing it and because i found out later on there was another Scottish Scoobies i should scrap the name. I dont think so mate.

i didn't say you should change your name because nobody else had purchased it. ..Say it, I don't even understand it

We are ScottishScoobies.net not Scottish Scoobies so there shouldnt be confusion.

but it says "welcome to scottish scoobies" on your website?

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