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My Chocolate Suspension Woes Continued

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well you might have guessed it the other side on my car now as knocking struts. I just don't see why they couldn't have changed all 4 the first time round. I suppose i am lucky as it is still under warranty and the replaced ones are still ok.

Car is booked in to S&S next week.


always get them to change them in pairs, ie if 1 rear strut is knocking get them to change both, they will say no but if you argue it out they will change both (if they dont offer to change both in the first place)



Warranty! That's magical word used here, sorry guys but they won't change all four or even two dampers under warranty if they don't have to..

From my experience most manufacturers will only ever replace what is faulty under warranty, not what might be faulty..

However if you push them enough, kick off over it they may, just might replace the others? It's a slim chance but well worth a try.

Posted (edited)

Halleys to replace anything under warranty is a first, total cowboys in that garage will never set foot in there again

S&S on the other hand are not too bad, unfortunately they are a fair hoof for me to get to, I semi fell out with them before due to communication issues but once I managed to get a chat with John (the dealer principal) and we both aired our sides of the situation all has been fine since. From what I have read they are one of the better dealerships in the UK. I have no quams taking my car there for a warm friendly atmosphere. I do have an issue with Subaru UK as I reported a fault at 14K miles with a knock coming from the back end and this could not be traced untill after my warranty ran out to a knackered Hardy Spicer Joint on the prop shaft, they offered to py 75% and I told them to stick it, if Lorna is reading this I appolagise to my response at the time as I know you are only the messenger. I will eventualy upgrade the part.

Now my car is out of warranty I will be doing all the intermidiate services, i.e oil and filter changes etc but I think I will still take it there for the major stuff (within reason)


Edited by G.Mac
Can you ask if they'll do mine too, I'm only 5 months out of warranty.


What do you need mate? I have just fitted coilovers on my STI so have a complete standard set-up sitting here. The rear dampers have only done about 1000 miles as they were replaced under warranty recently.


Aren't they just replacing a faulty part with a faulty part? Once your out of warranty you'll have to go for after market shocks to cure the problem for good.

Aren't they just replacing a faulty part with a faulty part? Once your out of warranty you'll have to go for after market shocks to cure the problem for good.


Warranty! That's magical word used here, sorry guys but they won't change all four or even two dampers under warranty if they don't have to..

From my experience most manufacturers will only ever replace what is faulty under warranty, not what might be faulty..

However if you push them enough, kick off over it they may, just might replace the others? It's a slim chance but well worth a try.

My car is booked in to Ian Grieves next Saturday to get both rear struts replaced under warranty, i went in last week told the service department i had a knocking noise from the rear, i said i suspect it to be a shocker, five minutes later a tech took it for a drive he was only gone a couple of minutes when he returned and said it needs two rear struts, it was pretty painless i only wish it was as easy to condem faulty parts at my work.

I work for Ford as a technician/MOT tester and we can only replace the part under warranty that has failed, if one shocker is knackered only one is replaced, we cant replace any item without connecting the car to a computer (IDS) and go through an online guided diagnostic session with Ford, only then after doing lots of pinpoint tests that the computer has told us to do can we condem a part and get an RVC (repair validation code) to replace a faulty component.

Halleys to replace anything under warranty is a first, total cowboys in that garage will never set foot in there again

They changed my front disks under warranty which I trashed on the track :(:crying:

i know people will disagree but coilovers are the way forward!!

you still getting grief with yours Al? hows the desert anyway?

I had Tein type monoflex coilover on my other car a my02 sti and it was way too hard for normal road use, they were great on a flat road with no potholes but you only had to touch a catseye on the road and it got very nervous.

I had Tein type monoflex coilover on my other car a my02 sti and it was way too hard for normal road use, they were great on a flat road with no potholes but you only had to touch a catseye on the road and it got very nervous.

Yup, thats the problem with them. They are awesome, but if you go hot into a corner and the raod is uneven or damaged, the car will skip across the surface. Softer suspension will absorb the shock, but the harder COs can actually cause a loss of traction! That said, I wouldn't be without them :(


go for bc's :( softer than teins,mine are much more compliant than standard or ppp sti springs. other halfs integra has teins and theyre definitely stiffer- i do nothing but b roads and im a good 10mph faster than on regular suspension

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