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Front Arb?

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Posted (edited)

Hi folks,

As the topic asks.....

Last year along with Eibach springs, ALK and Whiteline droplinks, I had Whiteline front and rear ARB's


All seemed fine and an improvement on standard but over the months I was aware of the car feeling a bit

'skittish' when around 90 (on a friends private road ;) ). I put this down to the stiffer ride etc.

But a wee while ago someone else posted about ARBs and said that Hypertech suggested the rear ARB

only. Someone on the forum suggested the front ARB might be the cause of the feeling I was getting?

At the last Glasgow meet some folks were confirming this?

The car is a MY05 WRX and doesn't go on the track. Doesn't even get put into corners that hard so have I

gone a bit OTT or is it all an improvement on standard and therefore isn't a bad thing?

Is the front ARB really for a track car?

I'm asking the YES/NO question now as I'm due into Greers on Friday for new brake pads so can ask them to take it off.

I guess it can always go back on??

One thing though and excuse my ignorance!!!...but, when the Whiteline ARB went on....did a standard one come

off? Might sound daft but I have no idea if there was one there to start with!

I'm asking because I was never given the standard one.....if there was one!

Cheers ;)

Edited by Richie Cross

yes there would have been s standard item fitted before the thicker whiteline was fitted

brakepads....... very easy to do. fronts i take it, done all mines myself no problems in fitting

Posted (edited)

you want to learn how to change a set of pads ?

did you get the picture from the gathering from the photo guy, if not pm me your email address

Edited by Terzo Neil

I think it's a confidence thing.....for me and the missus!!! Not sure if she would go in the car if I did it! ;)

Thought about trying to learn to do stuff myself but like I say, it's easy when a garage is nearby.

Might learn for future reference but if I'm thinking about the ARB situation, Greers can do the pads while I'm



Hi Richie,

What Size of Anti Roll bars did you get fitted mate?

When I got my ones from AWD, I had a chat with Grant about it (he's taken the time to test the various setups), and he was telling me that really if its only for road use, drop links and a rear ARB is all you need, at the time a few people were talking about having the 24? on the back and the 22? on the front, when all you really need for your kind of use is a 22 on the back... then you just leave the front standard... thats the setup that my car has now, that and solid droplinks...

The problem with going for the 24 rear and 22 front, its that its a bit too much for road use, and I know thta there are some that will dissagree with that... But I have to say that I am happy myself...

Also, if you have the same size roll bar on the front that you do on the back, then I BELIEVE that will be whats causing the front end to be a bit skitterish...

Oh, and Your car DID have a front bar fitted as standard mate. but smaller ones... ;)

Hope this helps mate... ;)


Thanks for your input.

All replies appreciated!!! ;)

Can't remember what size I had fitted. Is there a standard set up someone would be sold if they didn't have

any preferences etc? I would've just gone with Grant's recommendations.

Mmm, standard ARB!! Well, Greers put my new ones on so hopefully my old one or another old one is sitting

about the shop!


i think if you replace front to standard whilst leaving rear uprated, the car will be more oversteery. thats my uderstanding of it anyways, could be wrong.

what size bars did you get fitted front and rear and were any of them adjustable ones?

  Terzo Neil said:
i have a 24mm front and 22mm rear with whiteline drop links all round

quite like the way it handles as well

Aye mate, I remember a similar topic where you mentioned that. That's why I'm open to all replies!!

You have goats as well ;)

Posted (edited)

Depends on the size of the bars fitted I think Euan... if he is running a 24 on the back and 22 on the front, then it woudl be a bad move to put back the standard on the front... if they are both 22mm however, then it would be a good thing...

and I'd be doubtful that they would have kept your front arb mate, I would have though that that would have been in the skip long since...?

Edit: oh, and if you have an adjustable bar (I assume you do atm), then you could try changing the setting...?

Edited by thefastone

I asked Hypertech to fit front and rear ARBs and Duncan persuaded me to give the front one a miss for exaclty the reasons you mentioned. Becasue the car is much stiffer, it will not absorb the shock from uneven roads and will cause the car to skitter rather than grip. Everyone knows (apart from Neil ;) ) that you always start from the rear in a Scoobie when doing the suspension, hence the reason for the stiffer bar on the rear (24mm). I'd suggest taking the front off (youwil need to have the standard one though) and trying the handling out on your mate's private road again and see how it feels, that way you will be better placed to make a decision. As for brake pads - absolute skoosh! Which must be true if I'm saying it! ;) Good luck and let us know how you go.


I have had the following done at Hypertech recently:

Teins Springs

Whiteline Rear 24mm ARB

Whiteline Front and Rear solid drop links

Whiteline Anti-lift kit

Fast road geometry

Here are a couple of explanations from Dunc at Hypertech from e-mail's when I was enquiring about the work to be carried out, as I am no expert either. ;)


"Difference between 22mm and 24mm rear ARB is that the thicker they are the stiffer they become, we have found the 24mm adjustable rear bar produces less roll hence giving you more control of the front end which with the standard fittment lets you turn in more smoothly even in wet conditions. The links we always fit are the Alloy ones which dont flex as much as the wire ones. With all the bits you are getting fitted along with the fast road geometry settings the car will be transformed from the standard loose handling to a very responsive and enjoyable drive (Gokart)"

The work carried out was fantastic and the car handles great now. ;)


hi ritchie,

the ideal set up for your car is 24mm rear and 22mm front. i take it they are both adj arb's if so try running the bars on the softest setting for road use. also have your geo set up checked. the arb's are there to increase roll stiffness and not to absorb shock which is the dampers and springs job. try a combination of adj tyre pressures and the geo set up and see how that goes. you have bought the front bar so you may as well use it. ( do you have an anti lift kit fitted?) by increasing the caster this may cure your problem. the prob might not be suspension! it could be worn ball joints worn,suspension bushes,worn track rod ends or steering rack bushes which will in turn effect steering geometry. geo


look under your car where the rear ARB sits and look for holes in it where its bolted on, if its adjustable there should be another two holes on either side of the ARB so i can be adjusted, try setting it up differently before you go and splash more case m8


Ritchie, i see you have a wagon.

I stand to be corrected (because i could be talking crp) but i thought the wagon's standard front ARB is a smaller diameter than the saloon type, so going back to the standard one might not be a good idea. Im sure i read about this in the North American Subaru Owners Club forums.


Spoke to AWD who sold me the arb's and according to their records, I was sold a 22mm front and a 22mm rear, both adjustable.

The guy I spoke to said he's not sure why that would've happened as normally it would be 22/24mm.

  Ac!D said:
look under your car where the rear ARB sits and look for holes in it where its bolted on, if its adjustable there should be another two holes on either side of the ARB so i can be adjusted, try setting it up differently before you go and splash more case m8

The rear is indeed adjustable...in the middle hole at the moment. Just to need to see if it's 22 or 24mm.

  fai 17 said:
Stick with the ARBs and get you car properly set up by Progrip.....it makes all the differnce with a proper goemetry.

Whereabouts are Progrip Peter? You not using Duskview anymore?


I see....just read an old topic on the Progrip vs Hypertech geometry set ups.

I was going to ask how Progrip can be better but I understand (kind of) now.

You think that would sort it Peter? I believe you run with front and rear arbs?

Spoke to Jason at Greers about the possibility of me having front and rear 22mm and he thought

that this wouldn't help?

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