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Glasgow/strathclyde Santa Cruise '07 Report

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Posted (edited)

This years Santa Cruise to Yorkhill childrens hospital went well today.

We had a good turnout and the weather was kind to us .

Thanks to everyone for turning up and making it a great day .

The cars decorated in Christmas decorations looked great.

Karps won 'best decorated car' (voted by the members kids)

Thanks also to David Paterson from Subaru UK for coming along with a mint new GB270 (which got the tinsel treatment too hehehe) and donating some excellent presents - Subaru kids bikes and toys.

And finally , thanks to Santa for coming along and helping out - we know this is a busy time of year for you .

I hope we brought a little bit of Christmas cheer to some of the kids in hospital over the festive season.

Well done everyone :):brickwall:


Edited by ally-b
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Well done everyone, probably more to do with luck but arriving 30 min before the bike procession was a blessing.

A very busy for Yorkhill staff, a stunning amount of presents donated today.

probably more to do with luck but arriving 30 min before the bike procession was a blessing.

Believe it or not , we had a very tight schedule which we were working to this morning .

We liased with Police and Yorkhill to ensure our run wouldn't clash with the bikers Christmas toy-run. Our original times had to be changed at short notice to suit.

We also had to alter our route , on Police advice , to allow for 3000 Santas taking part in a 5k run through the city :)



And I just want to patent the idea for Subaru-Bauble-football right now......!! Tellin ya folks, thats the future... bit more practice in the Harvester car park and I'd have been Pele-esque :)

Posted (edited)

great day for us and for Yorkhill :brickwall:

12 scoobs turned up for this year's Santa Cruise and had such a wonderful day.

The weather was perfect, such a difference from last year's lashing rain and wind.

Burbling in convoy decorated to the hilt along the M8 was amazing.

The faces in passing cars were great, everyone was pointing at us with their mouths open :)

was having a giggle over the bits of blue tinsel flying everywhere :)

things worked out with military precision once we arrived at the hospital and £2,500 worth of presents were quickly wheeched out from the cars and into trolleys, while the rest of us went to the car park (well, some went the wrong way to get there lol!)

quick photo shoot later then we headed up to the canteen for a cuppa.

Santa and Snow White went to one of the wards and handed out presents to the children there.

Hopefully they can describe what happened, we werent allowed to take photos (obviously)

Some of us that were still standing at the main entrance watched the bikers roll in, the noise was awesome.

(will post some pics I managed to get of their parade)

afterwards, most of us headed to the Harvester (via the Clyde Tunnel, again) for a slap up meal and blether

Thanks to STi Pretender for his assistance in helping out and for being Santa - the Yorkhill women said that you were a natural ;)

Thanks also to David Patterson from Subaru UK for donating those 2 gorgeous wee bicycles and a bag of SWRT kids goodies.

and we were NOT letting you get away from being tinsel-free today :)

Big pats on the backs to everyone that participated :)

some pics below




















Edited by micra_wrc

I think the real praise for this should go to the people who organised it all... Keeping us hooligans in a convoy for so long is most impressive!! Seriously tho, I've only just joined and wish I could've played a bigger part, but really well done to those who organised this, took a lot of planning and patience, and I can only hope I can help more next time!



Due to family circumstances i couldn't manage today.

A big well done to every single one of you.

Sti Pretender looks better in the Santa suit than me.Can i have it back in time for Christmas as i want to wear it for my grandaughters 1st Christmas.

Thanks to Subaru Uk for the toys it was a very nice gesture on their behalf.

Despite all the slagging,name calling and bitterness that has went on over the last few weeks i have put this behind me and i would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas from myself and the rest of my family.I only hope that 2008 will be a better year than this one.


Billyboy :):brickwall:


my major "omg this is going to go horribly wrong " factor today were the bikers were arriving before we parked up resulting in a humoungous traffic jam at Yorkhill...

luckily we were out their way when they rumbled in...

I've never seen such a parade of fabulously decorated bikes and riders before :)









and this one was playing christmas carols :brickwall:



right on the orders of the one who helped all this go with military precision (yes Imy it was needed) i've been told to post after sleeping for the last 4 hours.

OK so what can i say. I don't know who enjoys this more the kids in the hospital or the ones behind the wheel of the cars.

presents were plenty.... cars looked great.... peters sounded even better in the tunnel and a massive slap up meal afterwards!!!!

all in all a fantastic day. Kudos to the Rudolf biker that was outstanding.

highlight for me was the tinsel attack on jac's car. glad you could make it mate. was good to see you there.


Smashin day out as usual. I could add all sorts of superlatives and what not but it was just one of those days that makes you happy and proud to be in the club. Well done to everyone who organised, who donated who even just thought good things about it all.

For the record too - that set of ribs in the harvester was utterly outstanding. Capped off the day nicely so it did. I'm still full.

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