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Lo & Behold, Whats Turned Up On Autotrader ?

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I think the guy is struggling to run/insure the thing and is trying EVERY way possible to get rid of the thing.... what a tosser.

Problem is that although it was a minted car, now he's had his hands on it, I wouldnt touch it with a barge pole............. just a bit tooooooo weird/dodgy for me.



Posted (edited)

hmmm im not liking the sound of this at all, i think it would be wise for someone to put a link up so fellow owners or potential new owner Can steer well clear of this vehicle if its not of a standard we desire

in no it would help me cos im alwways looking for a new one

Edited by craigy
This looks like an interesting post developing ... could this post could go the way of the infamous vx220 post???

doubt it m8 this motor was mint it's just the soap dodging pr1ck that bought it from Dez a is knob jockey that needs a good slap :)

doubt it m8 this motor was mint it's just the soap dodging pr1ck that bought it from Dez a is knob jockey that needs a good slap :)

Don't recall posts about it at the time, but did someone buy the car after it had been rolled/damaged then?

Surely if it had been repaired properly then it's almost as good as new (although I doubt I'd ever trust a motor if I knew it had been seriously damaged in the past).

Don't recall posts about it at the time, but did someone buy the car after it had been rolled/damaged then?

Surely if it had been repaired properly then it's almost as good as new (although I doubt I'd ever trust a motor if I knew it had been seriously damaged in the past).


the current owner who is now trying to sell the car gave the previous owner a member on here a bit of hassle nuf said!!


Iain to get the full story mate, theres a thread about it in here, under "anyone here from yoker - dodgy dealings"

all will be explained... :)

I dont know if I am shocked about it like, I think that it was going to be on autotrader anyways, but the guy was going to have had his money back off Dez, AND the money from the sale of the car...

Its just that this time, he is not getting the extra money...

Iain to get the full story mate, theres a thread about it in here, under "anyone here from yoker - dodgy dealings"

all will be explained... :)

I dont know if I am shocked about it like, I think that it was going to be on autotrader anyways, but the guy was going to have had his money back off Dez, AND the money from the sale of the car...

Its just that this time, he is not getting the extra money...

Read that other thread just now... :D

Glad it seems to all be over now, can't believe some people. Maybe the guy bought it and then tried to insure it and only then realised how expensive it was gonna be and figured he'd try and get some of that back from the seller... scam artist anyway by the looks of it. Good to see a few members from here were available to help out though B)

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