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terzo neil

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Posts posted by terzo neil

  1. hope there is no metal in your body just now as you cant have a mri scan done due to the massive magnetic field being used

    same for me on the excitor fields on the generators, as in close proxminity it can stop pace makers

    as for metal in mri scanners, it will pull the metal right out of your body

  2. only a wrist mate, you have another one

    a few years ago i double fractured my right elbow faling onto the ground, fractures were inside the elbow joint

    took me over 3 months recovery to just rotate my wrist and hold a cup, and over 9 months before i could touch my shoulder

    no medication could be given for that time of recovery, best advice was ibuprofen, was on 2 packets aday to numb the pain, and 8 tablets for sleep for nightime, then i had to change to another pain killer due to body beingused to the ibuprofen, was on first name term at the chemist, in every 2 days for around 5 packets

    i have lost around 5% movement on my right arm due to the accident

    and also i didnt take any time off either, carried on with work as well but on light duties

  3. i know how it feels to have bad drivers come up behind you

    like tonight going home a black impreza sport (classic) chavved up, i am doing 50mph on great western road nr clydebank heading for erskine bridge, tailgatedme, then tried to overtake only to slam the anchors on when on the roundabout due to not seeing a fie engine withits all lights on

  4. just jump in and drive, once get home let idle for a min and turn off

    i am amazed my neighbours hasnt asbo'd me yet with 2 scoobies, 1 with full decat with 1 box, andother just a miltek backbox

    god bless going thro the clyde tunnel is fun :P

  5. my weekend consists

    sat. doing a generator service at a bankof scotland in edinburgh, then off to faslane to fit a new ilder/tensioner on a perkins 2300 6 cyl engine, then fit a new fanhub bearing, new belts, new fan assembly as old fanhub bearing collasped ripping off the belts, then service the engine as well, then home

    sun. start nightshift at 130pm, yes you did read it right, and head for aberdeen to babysit a 1000kva running asda at aberdeen beach store thro the night,m then get home sometime monday

    get rest of monday off for some beauty sleep

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