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Everything posted by bigal024

  1. Guys, On start-up, may car smells really rich. Its not just even when the cars started first thing in the morning, I do notice it most of the time. Its from the exhaust, and there is no strong smell of petrol from the engine bay at all. Any Advice would be appreciated. I posted the same thing on S Net a while back, but all i got really, was people saying that there car does the same, and not to worry about it. Can anyone put my mind to rest, before I phone up Eden in Cupar, and ask them to have a look at it for me.? It's a 2002 STi by the way, standard apart from the PPP kit. Many thanks, Al
  2. I've seen quite a few up here like, but no idea if any of them use the site, or get together. I would come through to the Aberdeen meets, but its about 1 and a bit hours drive ( Sticking to the limit of course ;-) )
  3. I've just moved up North to work, from Dundee. I see that the Aberdeen guys get together on a regular basis. Is there many folk on here from the Moray Area?? Cheers, Al
  4. Great Pictures Mate, looks like it was a top day out. I'm gutted I couldnt make it!!
  5. Both Shell stations on the kingsway in dundee now have Optimax. 99.9p a litre. Al
  6. Yeah, i think most places up here get their fuel from the BP refinery at grangemouth, just wasnt sure if there was any differences at all. How was the open day? If i wasnt busy today, i wouldve been over.
  7. Anyone use it? Any comparison to Optimax/BP Ultimate? Selling it locally at 94.9p a litre, but unsure if it'll do any good for me 2002 STi type UK. Regards Al
  8. Guys, I've got some carbon stick on reflectors, and smoked side repeaters to de-tango my car. Whats the best way to get the old ones off, without wrecking them? And do the the carbon reflectors just stick on top of the original orange ones? Any advice Appreciated, Al
  9. Hahahaha!! Nice one Gordon! You gonna incorporate some of that stuff into yer motor when you get it back? AL
  10. Martin, Did you get your STi badge from AWD? Al
  11. Barstewards!! Sorry to hear that mate. Bunch of mindless pikey feckers. I'd hate to think what i'd do if i caught someone trashing my motor.
  12. Inverness to Ullapool. Awesome!!!
  13. If anyone does that, just let their tyres down. That'll feckin learn'em, the twats. Grips my shit that does.
  14. Anyone out and about tonight? Al
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