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Everything posted by PECO

  1. Fantastic! Porsche brakes are the best in the business - they look pretty good too........
  2. Subarus are now cheap and will get into the wrong hands - you wonder if these youngsters are insured. As an EK resident I saw worse last week - a purple classic and chaved to f**k made me cringe - boy needs a good kicking!
  3. This all sounds familar - the bug eye was universally hated, blob eye wasn't much better and the hawk eye wasn't well received either, even the original classic was never a looker - but at least they were all unique and offered real character in a world where other mainstream car makers had sold out (with a few exceptions - mitsubishi being one) - it looks like the new model is trying to be all things to all men. However, as car enthusiasts - looks should be secondary - if the car goes well and has the character of its predecessors that's what counts. If you want a looker then buy a TT! Personally I can't wait for the new Impreza - I suspect they are been clever with their marketing - there will be a WRX as this is their best selling model in the UK and the STI will be something else..........
  4. Sorry - my lap top has gone mental! Won't put me off - just a bit of bad luck! Been driving for 16 years - 14 years clean license - bought subaru in 05 - done twice in 2 years..............
  5. Jim / Nanaki, As say
  6. Mark - it was the 05 WRX - WR Blue with Gold Rotos - was parked up the top front left at rest and be thankful. It was such a good turn out I never got the chance to meet everyone either - not a bad thing - the Glasgow meet is turning out to be one of the best. Cheers.
  7. Cheers Stephen - was caught further back - just before the slip road for Paisley. Motorway goes from 70 to 50 to 60 and then back to 70 - my average speed was 69mph between the 50 and 60 stretch - couldn't argue with them. As far as traffic cops go they were all right - just slightly smug! Nice car they had - metallic sliver 5 series with all the markings and big flashing lights - don't know how I missed them - must have been all that smoke from the bbqs steamed up my contact lenses!
  8. Great run last night - unfortunately I got busted on the way home - 69mph on the M8 (3 lanes but 50mph limit!) - not making excuses my fault will take it on the chin - 3 points and £60 fine - that will teach me. Didn't spoil the night though - great photos, next run I will be more careful! Cheers Peco.
  9. Very nice indeed! I have seen this car in the flesh - picture doesn't do it justice - anymore pictures?
  10. Hey Stephen - in the words of the Ghost Dog - well said, as a relative newbie I have to say this petty nonsence doesn't do anything for the club. A subaru is a great car but it's only a car - theres more to life......................... Happy New Year - LOL!!!!
  11. Good luck Russ, hope it all works out for you. Cheers Ross.
  12. Cheers Diffbuster, I wondered how long it would take you to get on here! I like the sound of the carbon plywood cannards - LOL. I wouldnt let lisa anywhere near the car shes a lunatic!
  13. I am with Wilkie on this one - Dodge Charger is a dreamcar, however, the black one out of 'Bullet' would be cooler!
  14. Welcome mate - tsl333 is pretty special - hope your enjoying the car - glasgow meets are excellent for testing your car to the limit!
  15. The PPP on the 2.5 WRX gives fantastic gains, STI beating performance on a WRX. Window tints on your car would look well smart! It never ends...............
  16. Without the FMIC / f**k off turbo and 400+ bhp.........still the winglets must add at least 20 bhp - LOL!
  17. Cheers again to Mako for supplying me STI winglets for my WRX, and for telling me how to fit them! As a shiny bottomed pen pusher I was nervous about cutting 3 holes on each side of my bumper, but thanks to Mako's idiot proof guide I managed to fit the winglets no problem with the help of a stanley blade and chisel! Can't believe the difference the winglets make to the front of the car! Have attached some photos before and after (hope it works ok, never posted photos before!) Cheers PECO
  18. Welsho - I thought you said you were happy with your car! Tints next? Would look good though..................
  19. Option 3 sounds good, as long as we avoid the Clyde Tunnel....................
  20. I'm sure the master would be happy to help you out..........................CRAIG!!!!!! theres a detango required[][] If you do fancy doing it I'm sure I could give you a hand. Gus[] That would be great, I am a pen pusher by trade - taking things apart and rebuilding them usually ends in tears for me!
  21. Looks great definately sharpens the front of the car up, might try it myself one day....................
  22. The government can't afford to tax us off the road, economy would crash and tax revenue from fuel, tolls, parking, road tax, speeding tickets would disappear. In the off chance they do though I am buying a motorbike - maybe subaru could bring out a Scooby Ninja B@stard or something!
  23. Drive the car at 100mph if the steering wheel isn't shaking like a b@stard then your ok! PS I love beer!
  24. Don't you just love them! Stupid bandits - no insurance or mot? I take it they walked away and gave you a full apologie? LOL!
  25. Your nuts look rusty! Wheels looking good!
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