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Everything posted by wimpy

  1. Thanks for putting on a great meet glad i came along. nice to see SP, Ed and cant forget Mum. Hope to see you all again soon. Iain
  2. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (scary style)
  3. BOOOO
  4. Can i let you know after the weekend as just waiting on a few to comfirm but we have 6 adults and 3 kids as a yes so far. Iain
  5. I'll get a possy together and we will head over.
  6. Fancey a visit from your neighbours?
  7. All sorted see you tonight.
  8. Guys all i need from you is your reg details to get you a place in the car park. Iain
  9. Was really looking forward to a few fly pasts. Was always good to see and hear them when over Big D's.
  10. Lol. I only saw 1 scoob, a black wagon. He was heading into Brize as i was coming out, I waved and he gave a nod Air base was a bit quiet, was hoping for a few planes to take off. Not a single one. Never mind. Iain
  11. Brize rec ground.
  12. Nat is playing football against Brize Norton Ladies.
  13. Coming to Brize tomorrow. Will keep an eye out.
  14. That looks wicked mate job well done. 1 question, is there a bull missing on the rear logo????
  15. Give Andy a call at bucks scooby breakers 01494564555 He is always ready to help Iain
  16. wimpy


    It Is now LM Audio in Aylesbury. Speak to Ben as i am sure he can help you out. 01296 489746. Very good service.
  17. Not a problem mate.
  18. Get your names on the list in bucks and send me your reg details so you can get a space. Iain
  19. Hello mate. We were invited to attend by TVAA but when we put in for the stand there was no space left for the 20 cars we had going. Never mind maybe next time. Iain
  20. Hi Gary. You are on the oxon list mate as we are no longer attending the show. Iain
  21. The Uxbridge Autoshow 2009. Sunday 19th July Middlesex Show ground. The cost is £5 per car. Most of you have been to the show before but for those of you that have not been before, it is a great family day out. With loads of cars, bikes and a large arena holding displays throughout the day. It is a relaxing show and in 2007 we were voted best club stand. If you would like to be on the BSC stand please add your names to the list below. I have also invited the MSOC as we did last year. More details will be added as time goes on. All Moneys must be to me by mid May so please see me at a meet or show before that date.
  22. Hi all. Hi everyone here are the details of the first Bucks meet in 2009. It would be great to have you all along. Sunday 1st Febuary 2009 Time: 11:30 Location: The Crows Nest just out side of Aylesbury. (HP23 4LD) Please come along and join me and the rest of the Bucks Scooby Crew for some good food and even better company. If you start arriving from 11:30 doors open at noon so we can get in and get some tables. Hope to see you all there. Newbies always welcome. Cheers Iain
  23. Many happy returns mate. Might have something you will be interested in.
  24. Congratulations mate a cherished start to the new year.
  25. wont make this now as nat has the car for an away game sorry
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