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Everything posted by wimpy

  1. Do bears s**t in the woods? well baileys do now..
  2. It looks like a healthy sarnie but what you cant see is the big mac and large fries behind me.
  3. Craig dont forget i have spidermans money so please can you show this on your list. Cheers Iain
  4. Not as yet. Phoned them today but in meetings all day,will try again tomorrow. Iain
  5. Come on guys weather is looking good.
  6. Hope you guys have a fantastic day tomorrow. Hope the weather stays good looks like we might get wet at Silverstone. Cheers Iain
  7. Always room on the stand. Full details in the events section. Where you from? are you close to uxbridge?
  8. 1. Craigy and Family = payment recieved 2. SHESCOOBY & Family = payment recieved 3. JKSCOOB 4. wimpy = payment recieved 5. Tyreman = payment recieved 6. Bailey and family = payment recieved 7. Sisubaru = payment recieved 8. TJ_666 & Family = payment recieved 9. jason751 + Family 10.sp, edmondo = payment recieved 11. Woodcote and probably family = payment recieved 12. Giboman and Julie = payment recieved 13. Chickenstevens (Adam & Kerry) = payment recieved 14 Kev BE = payment recieved 15. deano boy and helen = payment recieved 16. hairyDJ & chrissie = payment recieved 17. Spiderman
  9. wimpy


    The SIDC are pleased to announce that they will be in attendance at - The Japanese Tuning Show @ Silverstone. Date: Sunday 1st June 2008 Venue: Silverstone Admission: £15.00 per person (adult) .1 stand pass per booking £5.00 per person (child Age 5-15 ). Tickets: From the SIDC Shop Closing date 6th May 2008 Details: http://www.japanesetuningshow.co.uk/ The SIDC Club stand will only be there on the Sunday. The Club area is open to SIDC Members Only. We will be in a great location with the stand being in the garage area. What's on: Track Action with. European Drift Championships Time Attack Retail & Trade Stands Vehicle Importers Aftermarket Part Dealers Club Stands. And much much more. Booking your Spot: You will require a JTS car pass to gain access onto the SIDC Club Stand, without one you won't get onto the stand. Track time. There is track time for club cars. If you are interested please contact me ASAP wimpy@sidc.co.uk Please add your name to the list below when you have paid for your ticket. Cheers Iain TICKETS IN SHOP SOON..
  10. The SIDC are pleased to announce that they will be in attendance at - The Ace Café London. Date: Tuesday 22dn April 2008 Start: 6pm - 11:00pm Venue: Ace Café London Admission: Pre booked place. (free) This is a first for the sidc. It has taken a year to get this event and since the jap nights were stopped we must show that the true Subaru owner is not a nugget. This is a good chance for members to get together in a great location. I am trying to put together a show and shine event and it will be the votes of the public that will determine the winner. Ds automotives will be there to offer advise so anything you want to know just ask. Link to Ace Café below. Ace Cafe If you are interested in coming along I have 30 spaces in the car park which is open to all SIDC members. Please add your name to the list and PM me your full name, Membership number, user name and reg and that will secure your place. Look forward to seeing you there.
  11. JK will be at the bucks meet sunday and possably mani.
  12. Sorry guys for not being able to make it today, We were getting ready to come out,even Nat was coming and Katelin. We noticed a rather loud noise coming from the kitching, on inspection we found water coming from under the washing machine then a bit more and then a bang as the drum hit the glass door. 1 knackered washing machine,cant open the door so cant get the clothes out. Have spent the rest of the day looking for new one, and now need to find £300. Hope you all had a good time, looking forward to seeing the pics. Cheers Iain
  13. I still have a couple of places left for the afternoon, If you are interested please let me know. Full details are in the Bucks section. Cheers Iain
  14. Any of you guys coming? Its only in reading. Full details in Events. Cheers Iain
  15. I will have just got back from my holidays so no can do. Sorry
  16. All booked up at the moment.
  17. Sorry i did not make it to the meet but spent Saturday up the hospital with the little one. Cheers Iain
  18. Will do, have friends in plymouth to. A meet would be fun, not sure when though.
  19. I agree its a great part of the country, I love camping in Devon even lived there for a while.
  20. I beg to differ.
  21. Dead man limping Dead man limping.
  22. See no use trying to be brave end up being stupid. Dead man walking, Dead man walking.
  23. My mother in law is a northener so never mess with her.
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