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Everything posted by karps

  1. Thanks for all the info guys, ordered one from McGard website for 16 euro and it says dispached within 24 hours so should get brake pads changed in a cpl o days Noel
  2. thanks guys, i do have the code for the key so will give stealers a phone on monday, Davie cheers for the offer but chances of yours being the same as mine would probably be the same as me winning the lottery tonight Noel
  3. Like an idiot i have gone and lost my locking wheel nut key now that i seriously need to change my brake pads. Anyone got any idea how much a new key is gonna set me back from Subaru? or is it easier to pay someone to bust them off and get new ones? Any help appreciated so i can get these back pads changed smartish Noel
  4. http://www.scottishsubarus.co.uk/index.html
  5. hmmm its been on since yesterday so drove like miss daisy all day today, went to come home and its gone off. Any suggestions
  6. Came on yesterday for no aparrent reason, probably a sensor but prefer to know for sure. Does anyone local to me (Glasgow) have a diagnostic machine that will let me know whats wrong? Noel
  7. Give chrissy a phone 0141 331 4303 (direct line) im sure he will get you a good price for Pagid pads Noel
  8. Chrissy came up in his Astra last night and said he had the same problem locking his car with the fob, so it might well be the wi fi thing. Im glad its not just my car, i was dreading having to put out more money on a repair lol
  9. nah its not that mast unless they have added to it in the last couple of weeks cos its only been a problem since last week. Might be the wi fi thing but im no chappin all my neighbours doors to find out who has a new modem lol. The fob still works, it just takes a lot of pressing to lock or unlock outside my house, fine everywhere else.
  10. hmm anything to prevent it? Forgot to mention it happens with wifes car too (MG)
  11. Bit of a strange one but, when i park my car at my house as i have done for the past 4 years, my key fob takes ages of pressing before it works and its the same for unlocking the car. It works fine when im away from my house but not outside my house. I changed the battery in it, iv used my second key, and there are no phone masts in the visinity of my home. Nothing has changed in or around my house that i know of so any ideas? Noel
  12. http://www.yorkhillchildrensfoundation.org/our_news/Subaru_Drivers_Play_Santa.aspx?p=1
  13. Meant i managed to get into work this morning, unlike most of the other staff
  14. How about a nice Spec D
  15. Phone Chrissy at euro 01413314303 tell him your SIDC
  16. 1. STI Pretender 2. Greersport 3. Greersport 4. Burgy_51_ 5. Burgy_51_ wife 6. Mr badbaz 7. Mrs badbaz 8. scooby222 9. Mrs scooby222 10. wrx kenny 11. wrx kenny + a random 12. imy 13. grant 14. empty heed 15. empty heed 2 16. bigbob 17. miss bigbob 18. terzo neil 19. Gumball 20. Midnight21 21. gbsti 22. Mrs gbsti 23. bobbyc 24. Mags 25. Des 26. Des's Mag 27. Dougs Scoob 28. Mrs Dougs Scoob 29. Joe G 30. Mrs Joe G 31. And Joe G Junior 32. jimser 33. caitlin 34. gary d 35. leslie 36. craig 37. loopy lou 38. Irish Al 39. Lynsey 40. Kebab Nemesis 41. burgy_51_ brother 42. burgy_51_ brothers patner 43. Meercat 44. Meercat 45. Dale 46. marky.t.s 47. scary mary 48. marko72 49. Miss 72 50. Karps 51. Mrs Karps
  17. welcome back Chris and a very nice motor to come back with Noel
  18. swirl x from meguiars
  19. need to change your name to Gus 2 lol but its looking sweet al
  20. was it your house i drove past today bout 3 oclock? nice motor Noel
  21. Sorry Robert thats now been sold for £60
  22. anyone want to buy A kono shocker for a ?????? lol, going cheap
  23. might take a wee drive down for summit to do
  24. She was more accomodating than the Sun Models
  25. hmmm you can have mine for a grand less
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