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Everything posted by Bob

  1. Dragon been away for a few weeks, her mum had a stroke and has gone blind...Her mum lives with one of her daughters in Wales but the daughter has had to go abroad for a month. Dragon is staying with her mum to look after her...She phones me every night but is missing home. She should be back for Thursday so you may get to have a chat at CC on Saturday...
  2. Keep yer chin up Ed..Dragon sends her love..
  3. Glad things are picking up for you M8.....
  4. Bob


    Now you got me in trouble Kev...Getting me to send emails to the wrong people...[] Phill thinks I have not tried but I did spend and hour looking for the instuctions and just could not find um...[*-)] Oh got a reply from the Masons seems I am an undesirable..[]
  5. Bob


    Have a look here Bob http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/34/ShowForum.aspx if you don't have access you need to drop Willie an email with your membership number (willie@sidc.co.uk) and he will add you to the list for access [] No can't see that link but I know you lot your taking the mick arn't you...Go on I will stand for it, I have sent an email...[] Tried but no luck gave up all hope now and going to join the Masons much easier to get in to...[]
  6. Bob


    Have a look here Bob http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/34/ShowForum.aspx if you don't have access you need to drop Willie an email with your membership number (willie@sidc.co.uk) and he will add you to the list for access [] No can't see that link but I know you lot your taking the mick arn't you...Go on I will stand for it, I have sent an email...[]
  7. Bob


    I hear Japfest is over subscribed again. Think they should start buying up more fields...[] What members section, been a member here for donkeys and first I have heard of this...
  8. Chin up Ed you can get through this...I know you can M8...
  9. Runing so weak in danger of going bang...Looks like another remap required..
  10. I didnt think it would be long before you posted. Old bloke. Think you broke it...
  11. On SN there is a Private For Sale - General forum you can use, lots of motors in here
  12. Stop showing off Graham write normal not in C or is it basic...[]
  13. Have you as 25 (poss) on the master list ED...See Page 1 on SWS.
  14. Terrible memory for names that’s why mines short any longer I would forget it.
  15. ummmm....[]
  16. You will have to phone Dragon to get things posted for a short time...[]
  17. Bet the neigbours thought the addams family had moved in…[][][]
  18. The stepson was really lucky he was only inches away from a long fall...
  20. I get the same thing...When you log in click on one of the threads instead of forums...[]
  21. Missing a free drink SP...[] As I do not know when we will meet again shell I pop the fuel flap in the post?
  22. Think the first drink will be on me....Had a luck today...[]
  23. You been in hiding Neil?
  24. The young lads steal plates round this way all the time...Some one with the same colour scoob as you will most prob be getting free fuel...[]
  25. Cheers Tiny....Still can't do the links the create link thing does nothing for me...Also when right clicking the paste option does not come up. Have to use the edit on top bar...
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