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Everything posted by Bob

  1. Can't wait to tell Bro and imposter....[][]
  2. Is it down again? I have a job to tell as it even takes a few mins to post here. My connection is up and down like a fiddlers elbow...Been trying to post this for 10 mins now....first week in years I've had trouble with blueyonder.
  3. Is it down again? I have a job to tell as it even takes a few mins to post here. My connection is up and down like a fiddlers elbow...
  4. Yea I just looked at it...[:^)]
  5. Still I managed one post...[]
  6. Not long....Are we down again?
  7. Should havepopped over for a chat...White stickered up Scoob belongs to ScoobyDazza...
  8. Only 20 mins this time....
  9. Yes and me....
  10. Goes like stink this time of the morning....
  11. I have been struggling all day with the site...Seems to have been slow all day. I have just managed a post but it is not worth my while staying on line I get database error most the time...Seems the new server is not as good as the host say....
  12. As you say Rae why pay for the forums when you can have um free…[] Wonder how long the forums would last if they were all free. I pay SIDC my £35 not for the services they can give me but to help the forum keep going. Same with Scoobyzone £35 to help keep them on line…I could go on…Guess it depends on how much enjoyment you get from the scoob and the forums you use.
  13. Won't be long now.....
  14. Big glitch for me....[]
  15. Hope we are still going and I'm not going to be the only one there....[][]
  16. Derek I touch goats...Please forward to SWS forum.
  17. quite agree neil but after last year are we allowed back!!!!? Is that the place where you asked "who put all this on my plate."[] Went to the pub after where you never got drunk....[] Thats the place Bob. I quite liked it there...good food and plenty of it.....
  18. quite agree neil but after last year are we allowed back!!!!? Is that the place where you asked "who put all this on my plate."[] Went to the pub after where you never got drunk....[]
  19. Think you have helped ...As I have removed router norton and firewall I would think the site is being blocked from blueyonder or before blueyonder. Anything with a virus or mention of virus will most prob be blocked from blueyonder.
  20. Only as a guest Bob [] Tried getting on as a guest but no luck.....I try to ping SWS but just get timed out on all 4 packets. If I cannot ping um what chance do I have getting the site up....
  21. I knew I should not have got rat azzed last night....[]
  22. At least you manage to get on....more than I can do....Talking of viruses. I know blueyonder block viruses wonder if its blueyonder blocking the site?
  23. Think I got away with it although she has not spoke much today....I woke up a 06:00 for a pee she was still up....[]
  24. You will find Ed JD Tiny Phill on .org A few on the WR1 site. Couple on SZ And a couple on Mid Wales scoobys Even a few have been seen on SN.....[] We seem to be spreading out across the country.
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