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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. No news. She's gone, absolutely no chance of seeing her again now [:'(] I've finally got a crime number. But only because the Mrs went into the cop shop and asked them to go and sort it out so I'm just hoping that the insurance is quickly sorted as I hate not having a scoob []
  2. Welcome to Kent Scoobies mate [] Looking out of the window all of the time is perfectly normal (Or I'm a geek too [:$])
  3. Looks even better in the flesh mate, you did a good job. Had a look this morning on my way to the station [H]
  4. Doing donuts around the cones to show how much the diff made it stick to the road better was quality. Prodrive certainly know what they are doing [H]
  5. The old bill have just phoned up, 30 hours after I reported it and it'll be another 24-48 hours before I get a crime number. Their incompetence is unbelievable. I've got very littleconfidence in them at the minute. All of the little things that make the car stand out irrelevant of the number plates its got on it and they've only just asked what they are. I'm not holding out much hope now to be honest but with everyone keeping their eyes peeled you never know, I might get lucky. Gary Molsen (Moley_wrx(Keith Michaels insurance)) phoned me after reading about it on scoobynet and told me that as soon as I get a crime number he'll do everything he can to get the insurance company to sort it out. It was something totally unexpected and is customer service above and beyond the call of duty and I'm well impressed, cheers mate [Y].
  6. Good news mate. Nice one [Y]
  7. Thanks for all of your replies and help people. Much appreciated [Y] It was taken from right outside the house, they got past a Cobra cat1 alarm and immobiliser (Needless to say Cobra will never be receiving any custom from me again[:@]) I've posted in Scoobynet general section and Granby's posted in the regionals (Cheers mate [Y]) and I've posted it on ScoobyCity.
  8. Some fu*king dirty thieving scumbag cu*t has stolen my motor, registration number R952 ADP. Please keep your eyes open and give me a ring if you see it on 07908 631416
  9. Evening Shiralee and welcome to the mad house []
  10. Lets have a Vote [6] OK OK I'll get my coat [:$] ROFFPMSL []
  11. Hello mate and welcome to the nuthouse []
  12. Only 1 vote per member
  13. Theres no need to change the clock dials Nudge. The de-limiter/converter adjusts the speed with which the needle moves so that the KPH clock face reads MPH.
  14. I think that with an MY93 you can't use the electronic one (Although if I'm wrong I'm sue someone will correct me []). I've found this one on e bay that should do what you want.
  15. Nice pics Mark. Must have been some good action in that wonderful British summer weather [H]
  16. Thats bad news mate. Hope it can be repaired but if the floor pans bent in then I wouldn't hold out much hope [N]
  17. Try autostyle for the mats. I've never used them but they make mats to order so you can have what you want put on them.
  18. A clicky for the video. That is quality, I love it [Y][H][]
  19. At 242p a litre its just not worth it. Someone at BP must have been on something when theyt cane up with that [:S] As Granby said, octane booster is untold amounts cheaper [Y]
  20. Nice one Andy [Y] Naughty boy Monty. Tut tut [][]
  21. That'll teach me for not being quick enough [:$][]
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