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Everything posted by Kristan

  1. I ain't dead mate, just busy with work and home and desperately waiting for payday (midnight tonight, mmmmm!)
  2. I've still got a brand new dawes floating round if you want to wind the boost down. I don't know how far down you can take it but I'd have thought it should be low enough to stop any knock. http://www.dawesdevices.com/boost.html Not seen you all for ages, been so busy with work and home stuff I've barely turned the PC on Where's richard at the moment btw? Not seen him or Margy for a very long time!
  3. Wonder if it'll fit in the FTO... Now that would be something! Could always try flogging it on scoobynet? As for the meet... guns and food and cars..... Mmmmmm! Did you used to do .22 rifle then Cret? I used to be a Cossack in my younger days
  4. Out of interest one of the guys at work suggested a round driving trip to rally finland next year. As he puts it "only propper rally cars or drug dealer mobiles" (presumably m3/5 or 7 series bms & amg mercs). He's taking his evo (black 6, reg is VI MAN or something), I was going to take the scoob with two friends to share the driving etc.. Anyone else be (provisionally at this stage) interested? We will be having rally style stickers for the windows with driver names, possibly more if I get my way
  5. I've always found gtr.co.uk rather good, plus of course the FTO list! But I might be a bit biased in that respect!
  6. This is the first lotus one http://www.1stlotus.com/ Click on airfield training - this is what I've done, 4 drivers sharing at north weald in essex. It's easy to get to from the london area, definitely want a night either side though, with a good nights sleep the night before Can't find much about driting days, arse...
  7. I've done two advanced driving days with 1st lotus (guy named Andy, excellent bloke) - one in the FTO, the second in the scoob. Each day has been well worth the effort and expense, he's a fantastic teacher and a great driver. Some of the mainlanders on the boards organised a day with him not long back I think? I really fancy a bit of learning to drift properly, I think Option do stuff but I'm not sure. Normally RWD cars are better suited to this I think, though I suspect a DCCD equipped scoob would suffice
  8. I know "ItStartsHere", I used to be friends with him, he's the guy with the thrashed black GTO with gold HKS stickers all over it. When he bought it, it needed more new bits than the titanic would to get it running right, as far as I know he's changed the clutch so he can thrash it some more. You'll notice it's still on UK plates too... Wonder when his UK tax runs out.... See the nice bumps on the front? All his own work too. Add it to the S14 he killed trying to drive off marine drive, the S13 with the knackered engine, the CRX he put in a tree, the Capri he snapped over the tram tracks, the Alfa with the knackered shocks (which he still drove)..... And he's 22 and can get insured on a GTO? Helps that daddy is rather high up in a certian bank over here! He knows Paul from Cybercraft quite well, going out with his daughter last time I heard, they attended JAE together this year in Pauls 300zx What was the thread about out of interest?
  9. The cars being tested were in the paper weren't they??
  10. mmmmmmmm, its still got that lovely new crisp forum smell I predict it'll last as long as it takes Jon to leave Colours tonight
  11. Eventually got the car registered, got I'm lazy MN 571 is finally legal!! Anyone fancy for a little local scoob meet at some point?
  12. Email heading your way
  13. Hello from a future IOM scoob owner - all I need is for some nice person to buy my FTO and there will be a nice shiny STi swimming it's way from Japan Can't wait!
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