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Everything posted by Kristan

  1. Staying NA for the time being, several people have gone the turbo route now and seeing as I can get a complete engine for £250 I'm thinking or buying one and rebuilding it. Bore and stroke it up to 2.2 or so, flow the heads, oversize valves, new cams etc. see what I can get out of it without forced induction. Doing lots of reading at the moment! And once that's all done, take it out and put a 2.5 sti lump in with the drivetrain and have a 4wd turbo fto
  2. Is that the 6 in 1 jobbie they do where you can print your own faces? Was thinking about that, but then saw the PLX devices R 500 and decided I want one of those instead - EGT, wideband AFR and accelerometer all with logging. Awesome.
  3. Long time indeed! I'll need a wideband and knocklink eventually anyway, what did you go for? An AEM? It's going in the FTO actually, decided as I've still got it I may as well mod the hell out of it until it blows up
  4. I thought they'd already moved? Oh well, just have to wait until someone buys me wideband lambda and knocklink!
  5. Long time no post Is there an RR on the island? Just bought myself a greddy emange, could do with a bit of roller time to get it setup properly. Ta guys!
  6. New clutch indeed, can't drive the sodding thing now Saw you've got yours booked in for a service - or did you cancel it when you put the bung back in?
  7. They're booked up until the 26th of July!! Going to try an alternative..
  8. << Like my flutter down finch road this morning. >> Hehe, I heard you, I wasn't sure if you'd seen me or not or I would have waved! Will give haydn minay a call actually, cheers guys!
  9. The scoob needs a new clutch, which I now have in my possession, only problem is I Paul can't fit it until the 6th of July, and I've got people coming round to see the car at the weekend! Anyone got any ideas of people who might be able to (competently) fit it? Cheers!
  10. Hehe, spotted him too, he's hard to miss! Spotted you as & craig too mate, but don't think you spied me!
  11. Gutted mate, no more mad waves or trying to get the zorst to pop up victoria ave
  12. A week, nice Just had a day off and a long weekend in liverpool, it was sweet! Only problem is that bloke les you put me onto isn't back at work until after tt week. Bugger dude!
  13. Take up the carpet on the passenger side and you'll see a silver metal footrest sorta thing. Unbolt that and underneath you should have a little silver box with 4 wiring looms going to it - that's your ECU! Unbolt that, disconnect the looms (disconnect the battery first!) and unscrew the sides and the pop should come off, revealing a PCB - depending on the ECU type (which should be printed on the outside in big letters) you might have a chip socket lying empty, just waiting for a performance chip to drop straight in! Is it ecutek or something for uk cars? I know it doesn't fit the older jap imports but I can't remember about the uk turbos.
  14. Yeah, it's called AES, only problem is the bloke got hit (riding I presume) at the weekend and can't do it until next week! Just have to wait but at least someone can sort it for me
  15. Hmm, can't see anything in the phone book for AWB or anything like that.. Will have to have a drive down tonight! Scoob is possibly sold, I'm waiting to hear back from the guy today, hence me needing to get the FTO sorted or I might be walking! Current plan is to keep the FTO and sell the scoob, simply cos it's cheaper to run and insure etc. plus the scoob is worth more so I get a bigger house deposit!
  16. Anyone know anyone on the island who can do this? The alternator in the FTO has gone and I can't get the thing apart to find out what's wrong and fix it. Ian Sims was their usual un-helpful self and didn't think anyone on the island could do it, but I'm sure there must be someone! Cheers guys!
  17. afternoon dudes! Bloke coming to see the scooby tonight SWEET! (hence me out waxing at 7am! )
  18. You shouldn't have any problem passing the test, my scoob went through first time, even with turbo timer etc!
  19. Dudes! What a nice morning! Sweet!
  20. Bugger, won't be able to outrun them anymore - it wasn't a problem when they just had the mundano and the old accord type r's! Bloody scoob drinks petrol though, a full tank every week, and I'm lucky if I get 200 miles out of it Wouldn't have it any other way!
  21. << I spotted Kristan in shoprite car park this evening, about to reverse out of a space as I rumbled past in the beast! Nice car mate - sorry you're having to get rid. >> I know, gutted Was that you in the "st"range rover? I thought that was brilliant!
  22. Dude! Sweet
  23. Kristan


    Nice one! What you doing with the diffs? Going for a longer final drive or..? Rio mate if you want a test drive, give me a call 491318. She's now officially for sale here boo hoo
  24. Kristan


    3.9? That's bloody fast for a car with no engine Can't wait to see your beast when it's finished!
  25. Dude! Just got my car back from D + C this morning, looks lovely What a shock though, getting back in that after the 1990 Civic!! Sweeeeeeeeet!
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