Hey People..
Imy (micra-wrc) and myself have been given the nod from Phil Stephens to have some promotional clothing made up for sale. After seeing pics of other clubs at different events we feel its important to make our presence known - the more people know we're here the better, more money for the club and more newbies for us!!
We are currently sourcing materials and pulling together some ideas so any suggestions and comments will be greatfully accepted - it'd be nice to have some male input unless you all want pink t-shirts (STI pink of course) KIDDING boys!!!
We will try to have the catalogues and sketches available at the next few meets or I'll post up anything I feel we should look at or need comments on.
We are also looking at getting flyers and a small, portable, frameless banner made up. The banner can be rolled up and stored in someone's boot when not in use and tied between 2 cars when we are out and about and parked up.
We are getting quotes at the mo and will let you know how we get on
Cheers for reading and hope you all don't mind us going ahead with this!!
Gayle and Imy