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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Sony psp !! Any one got or played this fine looking gadget ??
  2. Thanx m8, my girlfriend is in the AA but would have to wait till she came in, so i went for the old brake in to the car deal!! after a bit tuging and pulling got a bit metal down the inside of the door and pushed the lock lever , then click im in YES im no longer traped
  3. Iv just locked my only key for the almera (work car/van thing)in the almera along with all my tools and the wee mans car seat. so im now stuck @ the f#(kin house and i need to go out !! PI$H ... lol
  4. The outher vid on that page / Goldie Lookin Chain - Your Missus Is A Nutter, lol
  5. << << i hate insurance >> { in my best Michael Winner voice } " Calm down dear ........ it's only a commercial !!! " >> lol
  6. I was £1350 last year renewal for this year was £1200 confused.com are doin it for £550 so it pays to shop around !!
  7. I think dougster is winning, maybe he has to much time on his hands The scoob on a boat was well hard i was looking for about an hour. pure sad !! lol
  8. Now show me a mega chaved up scoobie !!
  9. chris try not look right at him, dont let him in !!
  10. its the boy in the celtic strip hes gittin me, wwwooo !! lol
  11. << YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally managed to do it !!!!! Ally. >> well done ally
  12. Good piks m8 . never met you today maybe next time
  13. Good turn out lots o scoobs and many liners a couple more names to faces and all that hks car is well fine but its not a scoob !
  14. ok we will make it the tesco kingsway thats on your way the road of many roundabouts!!
  15. As above wot time will the subaru decent on AWD be @ ???
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