<< Orf down to the NEC with another Stage commander
next week for the Autosport show,
Anyone else going? >>
Yes I was going to go but my favorite hotel the Crown Plaza next door to the NEC is booked up...
<< Anyone else for lunch , what about you Andi, we usually see you out an about wherever we go >>
Yer sounds good ,But it depends on the lovely manx weather.....
I would hate for the STI to get wet now, it is only a DRY weekend car ......
<< I take it you were in a legacy beeping me?
Nearly done a "Dos Dedos mis amigos..." >>
That was me Grant....My son was going mad for it ,,,,DAD theres the new scooby...
Dave dude you have been a bizzy tart !!!! It is nice to see the inside of a turbo
Have you got your new camera yet Dave??? My 300d is up for sale soon..
<< Morning..
Anyone else got one of those colds that just WON'T shift? >>
I had my one for 4 weeks , and now the young fella has got it.... He has not had a sweeeeeeeeeeeet xmas holiday