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Everything posted by andy_bray

  1. Good morning all dudes.......Waved @ you today Nick...[][:S]
  2. Afternoon dudes, I nealy set my wheely bin on fire , I did not know the ash for yesterdays fire was still very hot..LOL..[:$][][]
  3. Good morning all dudes.....A bit dull out there [li][st]
  4. Good morning all dudes.....A bit dull out there [li][st]
  5. Oh I will have to get shut of my Avatar of the Leggy....It just does not look right...LOL [:$][]
  6. Morning all dudes.....[A][][]
  7. Morning all dudes.....[A][][]
  8. [][][][][][][][:S][:|][:'(][:$][H][:$][H][:@][A][6][8-|][:#][:-*][:^)][<)][|-)][Y][{][8][*][O][pi][au][um][co][st][mo][8o|][^o)][+o(][*-)][8-)][C][N][D][D][}][^][G][W][~][&][E][ap][ip][ip][li] And icons as well dude....
  9. [][][][][][][][:S][:|][:'(][:$][H][:$][H][:@][A][6][8-|][:#][:-*][:^)][<)][|-)][Y][{][8][*][O][pi][au][um][co][st][mo][8o|][^o)][+o(][*-)][8-)][C][N][D][D][}][^][G][W][~][&][E][ap][ip][ip][li] And icons as well dude....
  10. It is good for multi posts too dudes[au]
  11. It is good for multi posts too dudes[au]
  12. I dont like them dude as well...[]
  13. I dont like them dude as well...[]
  14. I dont like them dude as well...[]
  15. Morning all dudes.....Do you like the new forums.....[]
  16. Morning all dudes...what do you thik of the new forums guys....
  17. Good morning all dude
  18. Nick dude where are you bud , I thought that you where going to on a bit more....
  19. Good morning all....
  20. Evening dudes.... Picking my missus up from the airport tonight.... And give her the good news on the offer on our house...
  21. Good morning all dudes
  22. << A clutch will set you back 200 squids Andi dude. I know a bloke who will do it for you She has got to be worth spending that m8? >> Sounds good to me Nick dude..... I think that you can get a cheap clutch on E-Bay for it ....I realy do not know what to do with it at the moment , I have spent too much money on the old girl and it is knowing when to stop spending money on it .... And plus I have had a offer on the house so I may be going to the UK very soon if thing go right.....
  23. Afternoon dudes... I think that it is time for my old Legacy to go to the big Scooby scrap-yard heaven , the cluch is going on it ... My mother-in-law had that Suzuki Belino when she had her car service ....
  24. Very nice Andy dude... Good morning all ...........
  25. << Afternoon Dudes. << Yes that was me Andy dude, I was taking the missus to the airport .... Which office M8 ???? >> The office just before the Britannia Building society, Royal Trust House. >> Any news on your scooby yet Andy ???? Or is that a silly question !!! Evening all dudes....
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