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Everything posted by willie

  1. Duddingston Coachworks are very good..
  2. They are in the shop now If you cant see what you want let us know.
  3. Brian There is a place that is trade only in Broxburn called scot tyres they seem to supply all the major tyre fitters. they will sell to the public providing you turn up with cash. I get all my tyres there and get someone local to fit them.
  4. Adam Hills is very good Also saw a black comedy called Talk Radio Good safe shows like Fred Mccauley are a laugh Jim Hensons Puppets is good but v expensive at £18 - for those who dont know it is an adult version of the Muppets
  5. Recently I have used CarCraft in Robertson Avenue. The know what they are doing wit hperformance cars in general as well as scoobys - they had two Lancia Integrales, a Triumph Stag and a very pristine 205Gti 1.9 in when mine was in. They did the 50k service for less than the main dealer and did more than the book requires. 01313132223
  6. I think you have made a rod for your own back LOL. Anyway nice to meet you and well done for volunteering. Re:scottsiscoobies - if someone wants to do some write up for Stephen then we will change the main page. Have asked before but no one seems to want too?
  7. Quiet technical well going on - all fixed now
  8. Driving the bus at a slightly confused looking STi7 this morning I was going towards ferry road and you where heading up towards canonmills. Not used to buses flashing because they like the motor.
  9. Amke sure you take your camera tomorrow and send me your pictures and I will put them in the gallery
  10. Here are some of the pictures from today. Lets hope tomorrow is even better
  11. Can anyone with photos please send them to me and I will post them here for us all to see. If you can send them with some detail that would help.
  12. willie


    test post pls ignore
  13. Cameron at Escrivo did http://www.sidc.co.uk His contact details are here http://www.escrivo.com and you might even get SIDC discount
  14. mmm that has been happening on my STi7 type UK since month six of me owning it. No was the answer I got from the dealer. Good luck...
  15. PS like the avatar []
  16. How to do it {url=http://forums.sidc.co.uk]SIDC Forums[/url} Replacing the curly brackets with square brackets
  17. Andy The smiles change is with good reason. [] You can do urls Andys Link
  18. Chris We are looking at different ways of showing a PM other than by email. We thought (wrongly with hindsight) that people would like the fact the entire PM goes to an email address. Give us a couple of weeks.
  19. It does Andy - have you got a pop up blocker turned on?
  20. I am working on the signature problem however I am going out to get some fresh air in the car first... []
  21. Well done you have noticed the techie add on!! Get to the shop and renew now
  22. try posting now
  23. Yep its a known problem - one per post. Little we can do about it currently sorry.
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