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Everything posted by willie

  1. Thanks for letting me know. I will investigate once I have had some breakfast. Its been busy this morning.
  2. Thanks I had not spotted this - ahh the joys of cs
  3. Its temporarily gone we are dealing with everything else at the mo.. Get your membership ready for your avatar http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/606747/ShowPost.aspx
  4. Where have all the profile piccys gone I hear you ask http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/606747/ShowPost.aspx
  5. Right then Avatars http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/606747/ShowPost.aspx Yep the post count does appear to have dropped slightly when we exported it. Get posting!!
  6. This might help http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/606747/ShowPost.aspx
  7. Whoops I noticed I had not answered some questions Del the system waits a little while before registering you at the bottom of the page we are not sure why - apparently its a feature!! You will get an email telling I touch goats rather than the little icon thing that Fusetalk had. This again is just a difference in the way the software works and at the moment we have no plan to change that.
  8. Greetings All Thank you for all of the positive response. Cam, Fin, Phil and I where very worried last night as to whether you would like it. We have been busy fixing a number of 'little' things this morning including the post count problem where posts where not getting counted - we had turned this off during the testing to stop Phil post whoring!! Missing your avatar? Have a look at Phils post at the top of the forum. If you spot anything else please let us know via the thread in General.
  9. Thank you We have been very busy and I am glad you like it
  10. I was going to tease you with some screen shots but you can just wait.. I am off on holiday until next Friday. Anyhow if you fancy the job of one of the new mods see phils post in the Members section
  11. Ok folks I am not sure why we originally started the SSS thing. But if you email me - no PM's please as I get about 50+ per day about other stuff and I need an email to keep track with your membership number / postcode and bbs username I will upgrade you...
  12. Gus I didnt say I could play either!!
  13. Plenty parking at the corn exchange. We could even go for a game of pool instead of bowling?
  14. Though I would agree with Dave that the corn exchange is very good
  15. What about a few beers at the Cramond Brig. Lots of parking reasonably easy for everyone to get too
  16. 1. Spooks n Rosie 2. RubyTheScooby 3. Stevo 4. FastScooby 5. Andy & Mrs 6. Mr Kart 7. Mr Bus 8. UK300_Impreza & Smartarse 9. LandyAndy....................... possibly 10. WRXMANIA 11. Willie
  17. << forums have been faultless this morning no probs what so ever still no members area though phil >> consider it done with extras
  18. Imprezapete - sorry dont remember seeing an email from you but consider it done...
  19. Gentlemen With the greatest of respect we (Camerons team mainly) are having to try and migrate 10 of thousands of posts and several thousand users in such a way that you can actually continue to post the next day without having to learn something new. We are doing this along with trying to run two successful businesses. Everyones offers of help are appreciated but on this particular project we decided that we could not really modularlise it into chunks that we could distribute to be worked on. Something that we will revisit when we start on the shop. We are now in the final stages of skinning and testing. This is more than a normal migration between vbulletin version 2 and 3 we are having to migrate from a virtually unsupported system Fusetalk 3 For thse that wish a sneak preview of what we are using look here If you want we can turn on the new software with no posts from the past tomorrow. Along with that we are trying to bring on some new features and not use the 'normal' software vbulletin. Dougster I am sorry that our 'slowness' is attributed to your resignation I have learned that next tim to keep my mouth shut about what we plan. If you think you can do better why not pop down to the AGM and stand for our roles ?
  20. What about meeting up for a Indian - I know of a couple of good ones Kushis at Potterrow and you can park right outside..
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