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Everything posted by clutdav

  1. Thanks for all the positive comments guys and all the advice. I have been in contact with a family friend who also is a solicitor. He believes I have a strong case against the hotel in question. I have also sent a question into the website that scottyb suggested in his post. So we will just have to wait and see what take they have on the situation. I'll keep you all posted. If anyone has had any other experiences of this nature please post it up or send me a pm if you don't want your comments public. Many thanks again everyone. Dave
  2. Howdy everyone, I am not a happy bunny at the moment. I was attending an offsite business meeting yesterday at Norwoodhall and as I was reverse parking my front bumper was ripped off - not pleased! As you come up towards the hotel you drive up a tarmac'd driveway from the main road. As you approach the carpark areas you have to drive off the tarmac and into gravel parking bays defined by cut down logs. In doing so you drive over a small concrete divider which stops the gravel from getting onto the main driveway. The space that I attempted to reverse into had a big (5" +) dip on the other side which I could not see. So once my front passenger wheel had cleared the concrete divider I was greeted by a huge bang and scraping noise. Needless to say I shat myself, stopped immediately and went round to check the front of my car...... To find the front passenger side of the bumper ripped off and at 90degs to the front wing - still stuck on the concrete lip. So I drove off it and back up onto the tarmac driveway - sourced another parking bay and inspected the damage. At this point I am absolutely fuming. I realise this thread is useless without pictures so (please excuse the poor quality the pics are from my iPhone): - This is the concrete lip in question - you can clearly see a chunk taken out of the top and the white scrape where my car ended up. This is the hole that greeted and ended my front bumper - the hole is about 5" deep and I used my car keys to give it some scale. As you can see here the dip onto the gravel parking bays is not consistent. I was unaware of the big dip as my rear wheels never encoutered it due to the angle I reversed into the space. So it ripped my front bumper skin off to 90degs. It pinged back some of the way once I had driven back off the lip. But as you can see it nolonger aligns. This also snapped my carbon splitter in to and broke the retaining tabs on the foglight covers. Close up of splitter. Totally minced... I had to make some DIY repairs to keep the bumper in place as after the meeting I was going to pick up my wife and 4-1/2 month old daughter. So I calmed myself down and went into the hotel to complain. My details were taken and I was informed the General Manager was on duty until 7pm and that she would still be there after my meeting had finished at 5.30pm. So meeting finishes and the GM has gone home - but left me a message to say they (Norwoodhall) don't accept any responsibility for damage occurring in the carpark. And she left here 20year old duty manager to inform me. I don't see why I should have to claim this damage on my insurance - my understanding is that as it is private land they have a "duty of care" to maintain their carpark to an acceptable level that does not cause damage to patron's cars. Can you imagine the damage that would have been caused to a Porsche?? So I popped into Kinghorn this morning to have a quote prepared. Thankfully the bumper skin is not damaged and they even managed to reposition the skin back on for me on the spot. However, I need a new splitter (Chargespeed CF Bottomline Type 2 - £475 supplied from SRB), arch liners, liner undertray and bumper guides + fitment. Thankfully I don't need a new bumper, washers or headlights. So it is going to be a hefty bill. I get a call back from a very unhelpful GM this morning at 10.30am approx and get the company line that they do not accept any reponsibility and that I should phone my insurance company. Does anyone have any legal background that they can share? Does the hotel have a responsibility under law to maintain their carpark appropriately? Any help is greatly appreciated. I am so flippin angry............. Dave
  3. I don't want to appear awkward, but I suggest you do a quick forum search for "posting pictures" and you'll get all the answers you are looking for. Welcome to the forum btw. Dave
  4. Ta Toady, They seemed to come out quite well - using the new lens on the A100 DSLR for the first time on action shots. DC
  5. Hope you like the raw pics - not been able to fiddle them yet. Dave
  6. Finally managed to get the time to download the raw pictures I took on Sunday.......... So here goes nothing...........
  7. Ta mate long time no see - what you been up to? DC
  8. Spent the best part of 4hrs cleaning the car yesterday. Snow foamed twice to loosen up all the bugs that I accumulated from the drive back from Alford, washed, dried and then got to work detarring, claybaring, polishing and waxing the rear end and the passenger side doors. Then gave up as my arms were killing me - I need a portercable. And I have to admit I'm not overly looking forward to finishing it all - but it needs done so nevermind. Nope I'm in Aberdeen...........could be the same house builder though? DC
  9. Going to take a bit of work to get the car clean again after the Alford SIDC Scottish National Day 2008. Seems that every single flying bug decided to take a fancy to the front end of my car on the way home. Out with the bug remover me thinks............... DC
  10. Congrats to Mr Stevenson's scoob for teaching the Evo's a thing or two on track (but lets be honest there were 3 very fast Evo's on track that could have taken the crown). My goodness that car is a proper beastie. Thanks to everyone that took the time to organise the event. I would also like to say shame on all those that didn't go - I think a wee donation to the santa cruise wouldn't go a miss. Having said that it was good to catch up with you guys and have a natter in the sunshine. Bring on next year and the scooby might even make an outting on track with a couple of choice mods installed - oh and the standard wheels on. DC PS: I'll organise my photos at somepoint and post them up.
  11. Thought I'd give you the option of the old girl but nevermind it wasnt to be. In the end she went to a good home and we should see her around. A member of Aberdeen scoobies has her now. It was hard saying goodbye in the end. Anyhow new project now. Dc
  12. I think it is the chargespeed bottomline type II carbon fibre splitter. It was on the car when I bought it and forgot to ask the question. Sorry. Dave
  13. Thanks for all the positive comments guys. DC
  14. Thanks very much for all the positive comments guys. Love the car and can't wait for the defi's and performance parts to arrive............... DC
  15. Howdy Everyone, As some of you will already know I have changed over my crystal grey MY05 STi for a white MY07 STi. I have finally managed to take some decent pictures of the new beastie so here goes nothing............ Normal Pics: - And here are some arty farty ones for you - as you can tell I am a novice with photoshop elements but I try: - So honest opinions please what do you think??? Dave
  16. I'll catch up with you tonight for an update mate. Looking forward to it. DC
  17. Hey dude - glad to see you in another scooby after selling your Type R. I'll need to keep an eye out for you in Blackie.


  18. Well I heard this from a dealership about the 400bhp STi - but not in the same sentence as a McRae special edition! Dave
  19. Cal, Best will in the world i give you 1 month before the modding bug hits in some way shape or form............................it's in your blood! Dave
  20. Awesome mate - welldone for having the bottle to go that far. Dave
  21. Here is my effort..............if deemed worthy I can supply it in 10.2megapixels. Hope you guys like it. Dave
  22. Remember everyone Casino Night TONIGHT!!!! Dave
  23. What the turbo or the whole car? I have to admit to still being rather disillusioned and could quite happily sell the car for a 22b at the moment........... Dave
  24. Oh no..........really..............NO!................ Dave
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