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Everything posted by Boyakasha

  1. I believe it does as WUZ bought the same pump as me and he has a 2000 Classic RA. Marc
  2. I think you should sell it buy mine and I'll get one of them RS4 thingies that are just about to come out Marc
  3. << Marc,can he do these with "Prodrive" decals mate????? Del. >> I touch goats
  4. No worries m8, I am sure this may be open till the next one
  5. David I will take a box off you at the meet Marc
  6. Brand new, bought it for the other half's car but she didn't need it. £75 incl P&P Marc
  7. OK, looks like it will be a Edinburgh/Glasgow group first. We only need 8 people from each area to get the most out of the deal. Who from that area would be willing to take delivery?. Then it is a case of organising meeting up to get the mud flaps. 1. WRXMANIA (Brian) - West Lothian/Edinburgh/Glasgow - ? 2. scoobykev- Dundee - Blue Classic 3. oobster (Maybe) - ? - Red Classic - White WRX Logo 4. Callum W ? - ? 5. Aarongr - stirling - ? 6. WRC No 1 (Wullie) - ? - ? Marc
  8. Folks I have spoken to Scott about getting a Group Buy sorted for his mudflaps. If we can get a localish GB sorted, Scott can send out all the mudflaps together and we can then distribute them. Therefore cutting all the individual P&P costs, if you are interested stick your name and location on the list. When we have an idea of numbers and locations I can go back to Scott and get the best price. OK Scott has given me his best price if we can get 2 groups of 8, not sure if you are aware that he is now VAT registered so RRP on a set is now around £170 with logos delivered. The prices we can get are: £145 - Plain Set £150 - Set with logos This also includes delivery of the 8 sets to a single desination. Marc
  9. Guys some more bad news for ya. If a neighbour complains to the police about you then when you sell the house you are legally bound to let any potential buyer know of this dispute Also I wouldn't sit with the car running for 15 mins because it is better to drive it to warm it up. Obviously not caining it though
  10. Sorted, thanks Sarah. Bloke on Rosemount does it for £10 Russell see you soon
  11. Does anyone know where I could get my Mobile unlocked locally? Cheers Marc
  12. Russell you better hope Angie isn't reading this
  13. OK, just to confirm that we will be meeting at Macro Altens on Sunday morning at 9:30. Marc
  14. Oh, so what about me then. I guess the monkey boy doesn't even get a mention
  15. David how much you getting it for, could be interested in 12 Litres. Is Alyn still doing the Free 2 Litres when you buy 4? Marc
  16. What time does Edzell open and is it free for spectators?
  17. << Either that or the Shell garage next to Macro at Altens (quick trip to Burger King as its only next door!) Marc you cannot her "her indoors" as I remember the discussion Angela and I had only involved MACDONALDS! (HA HA) Russell >> My lips are sealed Mike it would be better just heading down the A90, Macro sounds a good plan. That way we can all fill up with gogo juice and food and then head straight out. Plan is a leisurely cruize down as the boyz in blue are sure to be out on mass
  18. Not sure yet Mike but I reckon the closest Shell Garage to the Bridge of Dee. Times have still to be decided so I'll update this as soon as I have spoken to the rest of the clan
  19. For those that are not going on the Mad March Run you might beinterested in heading down to Edzell for a laugh. There are a group of us from Aberdeen heading down to this on Sunday so just checking to see if any SIDC guys are interested in meeting up. There are a few Scoobs, R32s, M3s and CTRs so far. Marc
  20. I see they have cunningly disguised it as a chav mobile so that it blends in when they are cruising, how to ruin a perfectly good car
  21. Spotted your car at my office this morning
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