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Everything posted by Johnny50

  1. Totally agree with you there Cal. Things are looking great for Scottish Scoobies and SIDC at the moment. And long may it continue !
  2. Is there anyone NOT bringing a car ? And planning to use the bar for it's intended purpose ??
  3. Welcome home !! Hope Dawn and yourself had a good time. Good to hear the car was looked after.
  4. Knew i could count on you Dave.
  5. Get Gordy to use a tow rope mate... He'll get you above 55mph
  6. Infact Scott.... You could do me a mashoove favour.... You passing Corstorphine on your way there ??? Me is planning to get pi^^ed for a change..
  7. Aye, you could be right there Pete. Once they`ve started coming along, they`ll maybe realise that the meets are worth travelling for. See you Friday.
  8. Cheers Scott, but need someone closer, wouldnt ask you to go through. Basically, i was supposed to go to NBO, but couldnt make it, so Noel (Karps) has my scottishscoobies clothing, so need to get the cash to him, or Imy and my top collected. No urgency on the top, just would rather Imy had the money. So if anyone is coming through, thats near Karps...gimme a shout please. Am just being a lazy sod...could easily drive through...lol
  9. Is there anyone coming from the West (glasgow) Need a wee favour.
  10. Pete, This isnt meant to cause any offence, as we appreciate your efforts on this... but what was wrong with the original Stables Bar meet location ? Only a further 10 mins drive for the East Lothian guys... Just wonderin matey, thats all.
  11. Cheers Stephen, it handles superb, a lot better than my wagon did ! Pete, yeah, as much as i love the Civic...time to be poor again.. I need Anti-lag again !!
  12. Time to move back to a scoob me thinks. Seen a few i like, but need to shift this first. Cant remember how to do a clicky, but if someone could oblige... Many thanks. Johnny http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=434044
  13. << I'll prolly be in a H****!!!!! >> Nowt wrong with that !!
  14. Can get A pillar pods anywhere.... If you'd like pics of your car in various states of mods...let me know, as i've got heaps.
  15. I'm supposed to be coming down...apparantly...lol but not 100% on wether i'll be making it. If i am, i'll be leaving from Edinburgh, so will meet on the way down.
  16. 0.Spooks 1.ImprezaPete 2.ScoobyAndy 3.Stiks 4. Fee & Adam 5. Johnny50 (maybe with a scoob... )
  17. Welcome aboard mate. That was my car before Grant got it. He had it looking nice, well done on getting it. What kind of mods are you looking to do to the interior ?
  18. << Good to see everyone happy >> Nah... i`ll still find something to moan about, dont worry.
  19. << Thanks Johnny. I do not want to rob your spot. if you get there before I run you can have it back. If not and you are there before I go at the end then i'll buy you a beer...or two. I have changed the turbo and want to get a comparable reading before I take this one off again. >> Excellent. Either way i'll catch up with you there Harvey.
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