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Everything posted by Johnny50

  1. << Anyone going from Edinburgh / meeting on the way? I've been before but managed to get completely lost so think it might be better if I follow someone >> Should be quite a few folk from this side Fee. I'll be over later, so cant help i'm afraid. But Pedro, AndyF etc..will be coming over.
  2. Excellent. We'll lookout for you cruising the kerbsides of Leith Adam.
  3. Not a patch on Keiths..."body hugging" shirt that he aquired though.
  4. Took delivery of my hooded top on Friday (thanks to Grant and Imy for that) Looks great, wife calling me a saddo already, but me loves it. Well done guys.
  5. Right, off home for to get changed then down to Longniddry for a few shandies to prepare for tonight. See you all there kids !
  6. << Imagine plugging your own birthday! >> PMSL...the lenths you have to go to, to get a round bought for you
  7. << johnny, mulv is going to come along tonight but watch it, he`s bringing the mundano to put us lads to shame. >> lol...nice one, will make sure he gets ribbed for that ! << << >> OK to show I'm not homophobic...1 gay drink then >> Hmm...maybe we should just be manly...and stick to Martini !!
  8. Ahh...thats right, although i still think we had some last time round. Looking forward to it !
  9. Thats a sensible idea ! Will make sure they have plenty Baileys again !! And that funny tasting Sambuca...that was actually Tequilla !
  10. Welcome Karl. Good to have you onboard.
  11. Ahh good man Keith. Am sure Spooks will provide some transport. Just better not get in a mess like we did last time at the Stables... Mind you, Julie aint running us home this time !
  12. Go on Adam...get the pimp tints on the rangie and off you go !
  13. Oh dear ! Another single man bites the dust ! See you then.
  14. Just an update. I'll definately NOT be running, so is all over to Harvey for definate in my spot.
  15. 0. Spooks 1. ImprezaPete 2. ScoobyAndy 3. Stiks 4. Johnny50 (now NOT with a scoob) 5. Gordyq 6. JamesF 7. Ormiboy (willie ) 8. Irish Al 9. Neofox Ormiboy....are you bringing Mulvey along ??? Would be good to catch up with him.
  16. Was supposed to be getting another Classic Impreza. But i'm gonna be sensible for a while, and have got a Golf. Will run this for a while, and save my pennies for a new age Impreza.
  17. Right, looking forward to tomorrow night... Gonna get tucked into the beer, just for a change. Anyone else drinking then ??
  18. Thats a fair bit of boost !!! When i was running Gems, mine would boost to 1.9bar. Car went great, but does nothing but harm in the longrun..lol
  19. Adam, i know of an S plate Audi A4, 2.4 thats up for sale. Could get a price if interested ?
  20. << Johnny Im sure I could drop by your way to give ya a lift if needed Gimmie a shout if need be. Spooks >> Scott...am sorted now, cheers bud. Am staying at my folks in Longniddry, so gettin a lift from me mammy..lol
  21. << Strange that. Ever since i stopped posting the sh1t has stopped and everyone is mellowing out. Grant Resident Bad Guy >> Grant, you know that aint true... So keep entertaining us matey.
  22. lol Ciaran, When you gonna get yourself a scoob mate !! Aye, Grant and I dont hang on to the motors for long.
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