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Everything posted by Johnny50

  1. Anyone know how good the PPP box flows ?
  2. Can i ask what the plans are for decorating the cars ?
  3. Hope you had a good night Doug. Say hi to Dodgy.
  4. Grant (Squirrel) If i knew i could get away with yours, i would take it. But i fear the missus would still shout louder when complaining ! Grant (RS) I'll let you know...am heading to Aberdeen on Wednesday, so may pop in and grab it if i dont get anything sorted. To those that have PM'd me, i'll reply soon. Thanks
  5. Neither have i got a clue. Must be missing something. So is it just the Glasgow SIDC area thats a problem ? Or the Scottish section as a group. We're all here to support each other, so it would be nice to get these things sorted.
  6. Spooks....Shut it ! This will only be number 3 since i bought it ! Grant....if it's the prodrive one, then i't would need to be a bargain Not really sure how they flow compared to something like a Magnex or H&S.
  7. Anyone here got a backbox for sale ? Looking for something quiet (ish) Magnex, H&S etc... Needs to be 2.5" as i'm moving on from my current 3" bore. Thanks
  8. No worries... And i'm sure the young fella will be fine in the kennels.
  9. Oh no ! For the whole time you're away ? If you're stuck on the day, we can take him.
  10. Sharon..once mine is finished i'll be nice and give you a shot !
  11. Still on here.. Andy, get up here with the landy mate...i want to go for a Mcd's !
  12. Dont know about the rest of town, but i stay at the top of Corstorphine Hill....so fairly high up.
  13. Well i cant even get out my street ! Although it's been highly amusing watching the lady opposite trying to get her Boxster up the hill about 5 times...and failing everytime ! Might give it another bash later !
  14. Does any one have Russell's (Wuz) contact number ? Many thanks.
  15. Andy..will pm you in a moment.
  16. Fee, Have you noticed that Shell at St Johns Rd (pc world) had Optimax at 89.9 the other day. Think it's gone up again though.
  17. Pete, they wouldn't cost much to get podwercoated mate.
  18. Looks 100% identical to the Evo spoiler that revolution sell. Have a look under styling... Clicky
  19. Thanks Andy. Have replied. Dave, I touch goats too.
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