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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Jeez, you are in a grump this week aren't you chris! Got the painters in or something?
  2. st3ph3n - thats you a Senior now! Well done that man
  3. I did take the PSP on hols with me recently to Portugal, ended up (nearly) completing Ridge Racer while i was away. Just can't seem to be bothered turning either the PSP or PS2 on @ night.
  4. Cheers Marc..... i might just leave it then and mention it when it's in getting it's next service..... the 30,000 one - thats the bank-balance empty one isn't it?
  5. << when you burp 10 pints later you are not hungary again, as is often the case after a chinese >> True, so true.....
  6. << Is anyone else really hungry now from reading this post >> I've just phoned the Mrs to ask id she's taken anything oot the freezer for tonight's tea..... coz if she hasn't then i'm having a spicy haggis supper!!
  7. Al - i've got 225/45/18's on mine. Not got the Tein springs fitted, but i do have prodrive lowered springs and the tyres don't rub at all, even when it bottoms out over bumps/dips.
  8. Yup thats the one.... Benny T's. Apologies chris - i thought you had mis-spelled the name of the place
  9. I didnt know chicken's had balls. Yeuch
  10. And there's one in Falkirk too, Ben & something. Used to be a used-car sales place on the same ground before the chippy was built. They have an advertising board @ the new Falkirk football ground
  11. Did the owner not hang himself or something Gus? Seem to remember some story kicking about years ago.... There is a chippy in Linlithgow thats quite good too, right on the main street. Wish i could remember the names of things! I've had too many suppers..... How about a spicey haggis supper from Tony's in Whitburn? Yum yum
  12. Ok, cheers Marc. So maybe it's not my DV after all. You think this could be doing any damage to the car (the revving, not the DV) I just let a work colleague take a quick shot of the car round the industrial estate and he says the revs do jump 100 or 200 rpm for half a second when lifting off.
  13. Dalmanure chris? You sure??!!!?? There's a chip van that parks up near oor hoose on a Thursday, Friday & Saturday night. Queue is always long, even in the pi$hin rain. I hate it when you get to the front of the queue and they say "Just waiting for chips" Argghhhhh!!! That one just as you come into Harthill from Whitburn used to be good and had huge queues, but i haven't been there for ages. There's a good one in South Queensferry too, right on the bend where the road narrows before the big carpark. Plenty of broon sauce!
  14. Got GTA San Andreas for the PS2 a while back, played it for about 5 days then got awfy bored with it. Saying that, i get bored with PS games quite a lot these days - bought TOCA Race Driver for the PSP and hardly played it, then got GT4 for the PS2 and hardly played that either.
  15. Neither.... take yer supper home and get some nippy HP sauce fired over it. Braw, just braw.
  16. Edited 02-Jan-06 - found THIS thread over on Scoobynet, which has an explanation of sorts. Just for those interested. As most of you know, i have an 03-plate WRX. In the engine dept, it's fairly standard - green panel filter, a Bailey VTA DV & a Ninja back-box on the exhaust. And thats all. I've noticed recently that when i'm accelerating up thru the gears, the engine revs are staying @ the level they were at before i pushed the clutch in, just for maybe a second or two, then they drop down. It's like the accelerator is sticking for a second once i've taken my foot off it (but it isn't) I'm 95% sure i'm not imagining it, and i'm fairly sure the car has only been doing this for maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I know all the arguments about the dump valve, but i get the oil changed more frequently than subaru recommends. I did remove the VTA DV & tried to re-fit the original DV (to see if it cured this 'problem') but i'm struggling to get the metal clip that goes round the large rubber pipe expanded (the space is a bit tight in there!!) If i need to take it to the dealers to have this looked-at (it's still under warranty) then i'll probably have to re-fit the original DV right? Any advice much appreciated.
  17. They definitely had one of those gizmo's @ each corner.
  18. Not going to be able to attend, sorry. Chris, I touch goats
  19. Nasty car - i see it occasionally in the car park between Almondvale & McArthur Glen shopping centre in Livingston. Horrible, just horrible.
  20. i thought that too scooby, so your not alone
  21. Wot u want is a Tosh 37WLT58 LCD - excellent reviews over on avforums.co.uk
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