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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Kenny,

    There is a company just off the Edinburgh Bypass that specialises in car storage, I have used them quite a few times.

    I know it's not exactly central, but using this company might give you piece of mind that your car is safe while you are away.


    Mark Spiers is the guy you need to speak to if you decide to phone up.

    It's not eaxctly cheap, but then anything good these days isn't.

  2. Hullo chaps.

    Would any of you know of a company or individual who could apply some of that clear paint protection film (ventureshield/defendall) on a section of car bodywork?

    Ideally within in the Edinburgh/Glasgow/Falkirk/West Lothian area.

    I know there used to be a mob in Ratho that did this, but apparently they are no longer there.

    The piece of bodywork I want protected is not currently attached to the car and is fairly small in size (front grille).


  3. I did indeed Gav, just debating the car with the wife just now. Must admit, I had forgotten about the £415pa road tax - not a huge deal breaker for me but still, it's another add into the 'no' column!

    Tried calling you on Friday, about 5:20pm, but you were with a customer, and I didn't get the chance to call back. Will be in touch in the next couple of days if I plan to nip down for a look at the car though.

    It's a cracking-looking car though.

  4. Hello lads.

    I am considering returning to Subaru ownership after 2 years away. The car below, which is for sale at a Scottish main dealer, has interested me and I wondered if you happy chaps would give me your opinions, especially if anyone knows the actual car and how it was looked after by previous owner(s).



    Car is for sale at £11,645. Done nearly 28K miles, got leather interior, tinted rear windows and 18" OZ anthracite alloys on it.

    Not been to see it yet, I am off work till Thursday next week so I might nip down over the next few days.

    So - thoughts, opinions, any comments on limitations on modifying wagons (springs? exhaust? - are they different?) appreciated.

    Oh, and if I do buy it, that STI badge on the front grille will be the first mod - straight in the bin!



  5. On its way :lol: as I hope your bet money is :lol:


    I do, vaguely, seem to recall making some sort of remark regarding a donation of some sort - please be kind enough good sir to name the charity of your choice and I will make said twenty pound donation.

    Would you care to enter into some sort of bet on the likelihood of you owning the vehicle in question for another year?

  6. You can get them from the dealers - I had them on my blobeye (so would be the same ones for your hawkeye). Looking back through my PC it seems I paid £115.83 to Halleys back in 2005, but that was including them fitting them.

    They go onto the black strip that sits just below the roof.

  7. You can get the covers from the Subaru dealers, I think they are about £60 for the pair, roughly.

    You might also want to consider:

    1. "De-tango" the front headlights (removing the traingular orange wedges

    2. Getting the sideskirts colour-coded

    3. Ignore 1 & 2, and just have fun driving it!

  8. Hullo! Think it was me that recommended this place over on PH, nice car but when will the modifying start! :occasion14:

    Your car looks pretty much standard from what I can see from the pic, apart from the mudflaps.

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