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Racing Snake

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Everything posted by Racing Snake

  1. Good venue Iain, enjoyed the meet looking forward to the next one. Have we got a date yet? Had a bit of fun on the way back as well!! Karl
  2. Wouldnt mind a set of HD rear drop links for a blobeye WRX
  3. [] Of course!!!! []
  4. Glad your ok Kaz hopefully the op has worked.Not been around much myself as it's party season being so popular its been a bit mental. Four more parties to go I will probably spend my Christmas hols in bed recovering. lol. [<)] Big D glad to hear your still alive hope to see you Sunday. I'm on duty but should manage to get away for a few hours. See you guys soon Karl
  5. Where is Big D ? anyone heard from him lately? Anyone know how Kaz (SHESCOOBY) got on with her eye op? I'm getting worried!!
  6. Have we got a confirmed venue yet? Iain will the polo shirts be ready in time for Dec meet? Karl
  8. I agree with Iain that this is probably not a good location at Christmas as the the traffic can be a nightmare with all the shoppers in Bicester Village. The car park is also very small.
  9. I'll be there no parties that weekend!
  10. I agree with all the above []
  11. Not good. Glad mine is in a garage in a secure compound with armed Guards!!!
  12. Welcome back mate. Can't make this one as I'm going home to Scotland on Fri for a week. Hope the meet goes well anyway. Karl
  13. Thanks for sorting out my third renewal Kaz got all the stuff today. Your a star! But you know that already!! [] Took longer than 3 mins though . Lol See you about Karl
  14. 1.5litres is enough just did mine when I fitted braided hoses and Brembo calipers
  15. Sorry Kaz I can't make this one as I'll be on leave in Scotland for a week. Hope it goes well anyway! Have you sorted my renewal yet? lol you have had 3mins
  16. Hello mate, I'm over at Bicester near Kaz and Jon (STISAN) hope to see you around. Karl
  17. Got fedup of my battery charging problems and bought a new Varta asia dynamic battery and have had no problems since.
  18. Hello M8
  19. Sure that is STISAN Loud exhaust and filthy wheels!!!! []
  20. I put a set of STI Brembo calipers and discs with red stuff pads on mine yesterday along with braided hoses all round and Motul 5.1 dot fluid. The difference is amazing. I've got a set of Rota GRA 17 inch wheels which are designed to fit over the Brembos. Next up will be new rear discs and pads. You can pick up Brembos quite cheap if you look around mine came off an 04 STI a guy at work bought them for his Nissan ZX 300! they didnt fit so I took them off his hands for 300 fat ones. A bargin!!
  21. Thanks for a good meet Iain, despite the minor problems it was a good laugh! Pictures came out well looks like summer! Thanks for the help fitting the Brembos they are the mutts nuts and look good as well. Thanks to Jenny for all the coffee, I was pi##ing like a bull all night!!!LOL. Have a good trip to the sandy place and I'll give you a hand with those four pots when you get back. See you on the next meet sounds interesting. Karl
  22. Did you have to drill the boot? I want one for my WRX but don't want to pay silly money or have to drill the boot. Do DR Motorsport deliver as I'm not in Scotland very often.
  23. I'm rising to the challenge Iain!!!! Bit of friendly rivalry and all that. LOL
  24. You lot have got a weight disadvantage though!! LOL
  25. Excellent torque mate bet she pulls like a train. Remember it's not all about BHP! See you at the weekend.
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