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Everything posted by sKunk

  1. Congrats on getting your turbo at last
  2. Priviledge have been great to me. Insured for £800 with mods in my STI8 PPP and they have already paid out a claim for several thousand pounds to repair my car when I went off into a ditch in the snow. Thank god for protected no claims
  3. One last thing, my ears were SCREWED last night. When I went to bed my tinnitus was really loud and I could hear scoobs accelerating in my head. How's that for weird I might need to tone my car down a bit... or buy ear plugs.
  4. I could seriously have done with some OB today. The car was not happy at all with half a tank of crap on the run down from Braemar. Time to pick up a case and keep it in the boot me thinks
  5. Great day, loads of fun. A great big thank you to the organisers ....and to top it all off the WPC who gave me a producer was cuuuute!
  6. This really chaps my ass. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/shropshire/4559173.stm An extract for above: A police constable who reached 159mph on a motorway has been cleared of speeding and dangerous driving. Pc Mark Milton, 38, from Telford, Shropshire, was recorded by the patrol car's video camera on the M54 in 2003, Ludlow Magistrates' Court heard. District Judge Bruce Morgan acquitted him after calling the constable the "creme de la creme" of police drivers. Pc Milton is trained in advanced driving and was "familiarising" himself with a new car, the court was told. [snip] But the Police Federation defended the driving of Pc Milton, who is also known to have travelled at 120mph in a 60mph zone and at more than 60mph in a 30mph zone. Outrageous.
  7. Or come along to our events as well Welcome to the forum.
  8. Extreme were very good and very knowledgable. sKunky thumbs up from me
  9. There's only a filename in that link, no actual url.
  10. 1. jasonb (Classic scoob) 2. jcscoob (Classic scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser) 5. lessels 6. Higgy oh bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!bug 7. aarongr 8. Scott P 9. baldyadonis 10. RS Grant 11. Dave D 12. iroc-si (camaro) 13. cal 14. ImprezaPete 15. BriWRX 16. sKunk (new age) 17. Coulster (99 classic)
  11. Get Toyos, either S or R. I'm running S but would have preferred R's but none were available.
  12. I'm sorry, but I do not agree with the post above. Insurance companies do not automatically cover track days, even if you word it as 'driver training' days. Every insurance company I have used, and there have been a few (LV, Privilige, Admiral etc....), have refused to provide cover for just such driver training days after being requested specifically for that kind cover You need specialist insurance if you want cover. I have used these guys in the past with no problems. As stated above you will pay about £10 for each 1k insured: http://www.moris.co.uk/ Have fun and good luck
  13. << Skunk, Seen you going through Blackburn (West Lothian) heading towards sunny Whitburn last Sunday - was in the GT so did not wave - you'd think "WHAT?". You were concentrating hard! Brian >> Sweet I took a run up to Loch Lomond to take advantage of the nice sunny day. It was fantastic up there, great day. If you wave in the GT in the future I'll know it was you
  14. Sign me up! Got a hayward and scott cat bypass pipe fitted at Dicksons today and the car drives and sounds great. Can't wait to see the difference on the RR. I'll see if p3dro and dad are also interested. 1. jasonb (scoob) 2. jcscoob (scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser) 5. lessels 6. Higgy oh bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!bug 7. aarongr 8. Scott P 9. baldyadonis 10. RS Grant 11. Dave D 12. iroc-si (camaro) 13. cal 14. ImprezaPete 15. BriWRX 16. sKunk
  15. << so you have to stand back and watch a guy thrash you car??? >> Have a quick search in google for vids of rollingroad runs, that will show you exactly what happens. You should come along either way just to see all the scoobs on the rollers
  16. Well reminded, just emailed godspeed for some disk prices.
  17. "Now the BBC Two programme has come under fire from the Transport 2000 pressure group, which has called for it to be taken off the air and replaced with a show that promotes "sensible driving in sensible vehicles"." But surely that is an excellent idea? LMFAO!
  18. Oh and replaced it with a Hayward & Scott BB which is superb.
  19. I had one on my PPP STI8 and with the PPP centre section in place the rear support strut on the back box hit the rear subframe constantly. It seemed the PPP centre section was slightly shorter that the standard item, plus the rear BB mounting bracket is badly positioned imo. I got a refund.
  20. Just been to the ASDA car park and saw the red WRX with the UK300 spoiler and a sorted Sport
  21. I regularly brave the Livy asda carpark. I park at the right (if Asda is behind you) next to the recycling bins.
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