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Everything posted by tino

  1. Very nice indeed, you must be proud, (and skint!) They say the best things in life are free, 'they' never owned a high spec Subaru []
  2. Mmm, no more scoop may mean FMC[]
  3. I imagine red blooded SX200 drivers the world over are now worried about things going all Audi TT on them! ' its on baby, its on!'............. PMSL []
  4. I usually fill up at the Shell station at the Forth Road Bridge, and can't say I've noticed any problems. One thing I was wondering though, is that as most Scottish petrol is supplied from BP at Grangemouth, do they infact supply the octane rating Shell require or do Shell add 'booster' to BP 97. If this is the case, and as the average motorist will use normal unleaded, perhaps the Optimax storage tanks at the forecourt lay longer between refills and are suffering from some kind of evaporation damaging the rating?
  5. If you fit a JDM 6 speed you will need a 3.9-1 rear diff to match the front. JDM drop gear is 1-1 If you fit a UK 6 speed you will need a 3.54-1 rear diff as UK box has 1.1-1 drop gear. Both boxes have 3.9-1 front diffs but differing drop gears The 'drop gear' is a pair of gears in the rear of the box that transmit the power from the gearbox driven shaft to the output shaft that the rear prop is connected to. They are different to compensate for the two types of rear diff used. To be honest it may well be cheaper and easier to have your old box reconditioned or even uprated by the chaps recommended in previous posts.
  6. 6 speed, 1-1.5k last time I looked (second hand). Plus you will need a shorter propshaft. The new Sti or the one off an automatic I think is correct. Also when I did mine I was recomended to use a group n gearbox mount as the box is a tighter fit (ooh eerr missus) and this stops it touching the transmission tunnel. Got the mount from Harvey. I think the JDM box has slightly lower ratios in 5th and 6th too if its acceleration your after. If you get it try and get one with gear linkage as these are about £200 if I remember. Also check to see if it has the front stub shafts. Not too dear or hard to get but one less thing to worry about. TTFN
  7. Nummy Nummy[]
  8. More belated good wishes, going by your obvious excitement and enthusiasm I think they would struggle to find a better candidate.
  9. Was watching the 'new' Italian Job job today, when you next watch it pay particular attention to the scene when they first go to rob the bad guys house, they arrive to find the neibours having a party and have to abort. Listen carefully to the sound of the Minis departing!
  10. << I was looking at tino's pictures can't see piston liner ?? >> I think there's a slight taper at the top of the liner plus the low quality of the picture makes them hard to see. Had to start with a new STi block as the WRX one is totally open deck.
  11. Thats going to be one hell of a motor. With that gearing and plated diffs its going to be hard to beat off the line. Plus a good bottom end which gives you scope to play with other turbos later if you want. Love the powder coat job too. Think I'm going to need about a 100 shot of NO2 to keep up
  12. << clasics seem to have more bhp >> I think all marques have the same potential for engine tuning, however the classic is a lot lighter than the later models so is a good basis for getting the maximum performance.
  13. << Proabbly only worth doing if you want the absolute max from your turboed engine >> Porting yes, limited value, however matching all the inlet components is good as it aligns any sharp edges where the parts join, reducing any turbulence etc. EG Matching
  14. So whats in the pipeline for yours, or are you just a tease
  15. << gas flowing >> most of the manifold work was to match the ports/injector bodies and manifold.This is useful to do. The heads are ported and I agree, probably little difference but what the hell, in for a penny and all that
  16. << Tino: I think i seen you on SIDC trackday and Crail thrash last time >> Yup, mangled the gearbox at Knockhill and almost fried a new AP organic clutch at Crail Oh and its lower than a snakes a$$ in a wagon rut if you don't mind
  17. No idea, never had it on the rolling road, but it does 1/4m ile in 13.08 111mph, with a passanger.
  18. Its been running like this for about a year now. Pop round tomorrow if you think I'm bullsh1tting, Not something I make a habit of. Picture name edited to stop me getting confused, its late and I'm too tired.
  19. << No its not what you are showing is the inlet from the inlet manifold to the head >> Yes quite correct, incorrectly named picture! << I smell Bull**it!!! >> Do you live near a farm?
  20. The top one is the stock with the butterfly valve contraption, the bottom one is the replacement, less restrictive. << is there a bit of you show me yours ill show you mine going on here boys >> Absolutely, would you care to join in
  21. Thanks mate, now I've shown you mine............
  22. Just a few tasties
  23. Or perhaps a cranking handle direct to the gearbox and a very strong midget!
  24. Ahh! the Flintstones approach I presume
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