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Everything posted by chrisp

  1. Welcome and to answer your question http://www.sidc.co.uk/article/default.asp?art_id=119
  2. thanks mate, much appreciated
  3. Not coming on the 14th Does create a problem with the tatton tickets but I have got a cunning plan though and sent you a PM Rasher
  4. but you need to switch them on in your profile first. click profile button at the top of the screen and go down to where the signature box is and set Allow Private Messages to ON to send someone a PM click on the padlock on the far right hand corner of one of their posts
  5. You need to PM blue boy.
  6. it leaves the name if you post and then delete the post
  7. Was that J5s car is in the first two pics ? They followed me to the M6 junction at Lymm and gave me a flash. Bet you though I drove slow LOL. I had to stop for some optimax for the zetec.
  8. << will send you a response as soon as I have one >> confusion as that can be read 2 different ways 1) you will get a response when I recieve the email 2) you will get a response when I have thunk of one
  9. I cant remember hearing that tbh. I asked where you were as we were on a recruitment drive and need another tenner for the funds. Julian as far as I am concerned you are quite welcome and at the meets we have always got on well and had some good chats. It would be a shame if this put you off the club.
  10. Dates of the cads meets for the year are on the cads website www.cads-sidc.co.uk
  11. Sorry abiout that Lee, but there are changes coming so dont worry.
  12. Also I have a had a few member want approval to the newsgroup. Which I have done except one. I had a request from a user named codie who I approved and then accidentally removed tidying up and cant get back (sorry mate). Like I said above probably best not to use or get use to the newsgroup until we plan the way forward.
  13. We have a small newsgroup which I setup a few months ago we thought may do what we needed to do i.e. just inform about meets, post pictures, local info etc. Just to stop cluttering the SIDC northern board a little. We now have a CADS section so it doesnt really seem to be as useful as we thought and is hardly used (so dont worry you are not missing out ) We will discuss it all at the July meet as the meet will explore the way forward hopefully get some feedback on what the CADS want.
  14. Bob can you put me down as a possible.
  15. Yep I will be there
  16. << << really simple. you have a start point...the route is unknown until you are given directions(cryptic that is) on the day. each person is set off at x minutes intervals. you have clues to find, could be phone numbers in telephone boxes, numbers on Doors...whatever, could be anything. its all judged on a point scale....from the clues you found, the time it took you, and the distance travelled. the finish point can be anywhere, but best to be where you started from, just incase anyone screws up completely and they can return to base . i have been told it is good to do the route doubling back on itself (but it may not be)....that way you meet others coming the other way.......lol >> i like the sound of that!!!!!! ragging round in scoobys trying to find clues. now thats what i call an idea.......... i'm well up for this!!!!!!!! cannon ball will have nothing on this! >> Just the opposite you normally have to drive very slowly otherwise you end up lost very quickly. Plus most involve stopping and get some info. Like the cost of a brick from a diy shop and scavenger list to get as you are going round, e.g. beer mat, cold chip, crisp packet, leaflet for something etc etc
  17. lol I arent changing the name, cost me a tenner that domain name
  18. suppose the fact that the forum is open to non members sets a sort of precedence. Plus dont the lads charge a few quid for membership. Personally I wouldnt mine paying a few quid to get some stickers made buying stuff for shows, stamps, stationary etc. I think anyone can turn up but show stand space should be given to full sidc members first.
  19. great pictures guys
  20. , You and steve still coming on Sunday ?
  21. thoughts steves was an import ? what turbos is he running ? how much boost ?
  22. Cheers Phil, I am sure we will make good use of the area.
  23. http://type-r-scotland.com/phpBB2/viewtopi...er=asc&start=30
  24. better watch your icon there are a few mad de-catters on here
  25. bin me-nin 2 get sum of those 1 day
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